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Today we're going down to Boston to visit Matteo's parents

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Today we're going down to Boston to visit Matteo's parents. The kids wanted to go and since we're both off work we thought we'd take them down for the weekend.

Matteo's outside putting the kids into their car seats while I get Liliana's bottle for the road.

"You ready?" Matteo asks, coming up from behind me and pecking my cheek.

"Yeah," I reply, shaking the milk bottle as I balance Liliana on my hip. "Could you take her to the car? I'll bring her bottle out."

"Of course." He grins and when he opens his hands out towards her she immediately goes to him.

"Papà." Our one year old babbles.

Walking out of the kitchen, Matteo lifts her into the air and I smile when I hear her giggles as he peppers her face with soft kisses.

Once I've finished making her milk, I grab my phone and keys before walking out of the house. Locking the door, I walk over to the car to see Matteo sitting our daughter down in her car seat.

I tap his arm to get his attention and when he turns his head around I gesture towards the bottle in my hands. He takes it and gives it to her as I get in the car through the passenger side door.


After a long four hour drive, we finally made it to Boston. I thought the kids would be tired but surprisingly they're full of energy.

The triplets are playing outside and Liliana has been following her father around in the kitchen while he makes lunch with Ace.

Glancing back into the kitchen, I see her following behind him as he manoeuvres around occasionally talking to Ace, who is mixing something in a bowl on top of the counter. Then, Matteo grabs a banana from the fruit bowl and splits it before giving half of it to Liliana.

She smiles with her dimples and when she takes it off him she does a little dance that Matteo copies, causing her to laugh. So fucking cute.

Abruptly, the front door opens and I turn my head to see Reyna walking inside with an exhausted look on her face. She flops down beside me with a sigh and I look over at her in concern.

"Hey," I say and she directs her attention towards me. "You okay?"

"I'm good," She smiles lazily and throws an arm over my shoulder. "Just tired."

"Long day?"

"You don't even know." She mumbles, closing her eyes.

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