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It's nine in the morning

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It's nine in the morning. Ace and I running late for work because we woke up late but who the fuck cares.

I'm making us breakfast while he's leaning against the counter and watching me contently. He's smoking first thing in the morning too which blows my mind.


"Yes, Riv?"

"What would do if a girl came up to you in the bar and started flirting with you?" I randomly ask him. "Like if she started touching you and everything." I demonstrate by running my hands over his broad chest and down his strong arms.

He keeps one of his hands in his pockets and uses the other to bring his cigarette up to his lips. Amusement dances in his green eyes and a devilish smirk sits across his lips as he gazes down at me.

He dips his head down to my level and I swallow at the close proximity between us. "What you saying? Can I get your number?" He whispers into my ear and my jaw drops.

I smack his chest and shove him away from me. "That's what you'd say?" I scowl at him. "I could kill you right now."

"I'm kidding, love." He chuckles and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Expect divorce papers given to you by tomorrow morning." I grumble.

"But baby I was just kidding," He says, throwing his cigarette into the bin. "You're my only love."

"Then what would you do?"

"Walk away and call you." He shrugs his shoulders and slides his hand down to my ass before giving it a light squeeze.

"I'll come over and kick their ass."

"Exactly why I'd call you, darlin'." He smiles and kisses my forehead.


After spending a couple of hours at work I came back home to find Ace cooking dinner first. Normally I'm the first one home so I guess he finished all his work early today.

We ate dinner and decided to watch a movie before bed. Expect he's barely paying attention to it. I swear he never does.

"This is so boring." Ace grumbles, laying his head down on my lap with a groan.

"You're not paying attention to it." I reply, running my hands through his curls.

"You're more interesting to look at." He says, gazing up at me with soft eyes.

Shaking my head, I lean down and peck his lips. "I can't watch anything with you." I mutter and smile down at him.

"More like I can't watching anything with you," He says, sitting himself up and wrapping his arms around my waist. "You're too distracting."

"You are." I say, poking his chest.

"Want to go to bed?" He asks, resting his chin on my shoulder.

I should fuck with him and say I'm sleeping on the couch. I mean he kinda deserves it after pulling that shit earlier. Bastard.

"I'm sleeping on the couch tonight." I reply and confusion masks his features.

"Why?" He asks with a frown.

"I just don't feel like sleeping on the bed."

He pulls me into his arms and buries his face into my neck. "Are you mad at me?" He murmurs.


"Then why the fuck are you gonna sleep here?" He lifts his head up and furrows his eyebrows. "What am I suppose to do?"

"Sleep upstairs." I reply.

"But I can't sleep without you." He mumbles, fiddling with the end of my t-shirt.


"Yeah baby I need you," He says, placing a tender kiss on my cheek. "So stop playing around and get your ass upstairs."

Before I can get another word out, he gets out of the couch and suddenly throws me over his shoulder.

"But Ace I want to sleep down here." I say with a groan.

"I don't care." He replies, carrying me up to our room and as soon as we're in he throws me on to our bed.

I knew he wouldn't let me.

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