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I love being married to her

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I love being married to her.

It has only been a few months but I've never felt this happy before. She means so much to me. I can't wait to start a family with her but it's up to my wife when she wants to do it.

"I'm leaving for my meeting." I tell Audrey as she folds away her laundry. "Do you want me to bring dinner back?"

"Yes please." She says, avoiding eye contact. She's been acting weird all week and I have no idea why. I've tried talking to her but she keeps shutting me out so I figured she'll tell me in her own time.

"Alright. I'll see you in a bit baby." I say, wrapping my arms around her waist from behind and kissing her cheek.

"I'll see you later." She replies and quickly pecks my lips. A little too quickly for my liking. I'll let it slide. Next time I won't.

Sighing, I step away from her and leave the room. Once I've grabbed my keys and slipped my shoes on, I head outside and go straight towards my car.

I have a meeting with my team and manager about a press conference next week before our game. I hate press conferences but I gotta do them.


"What's good Matt?" Grey greets me as soon as I step foot into the conference room. Everyone is here. My team, the guys, my manager, Nick, my coach, Tony, etcetera. They're all talking amongst themselves so I don't think the meeting has started yet.

"Hey, how are you man?" I say, fist bumping him and taking the seat beside him.

"I'm great. How's Audrey?"

"She's good." I reply although I don't think that's true. "And Alyssa?"

"Oh dude check this out," He says and takes his phone out of his pocket. "What do you think?"

On his screen is a picture of a ring. He's been showing me a few over the past couple of weeks because he's planning to propose to Alyssa. I have no idea when but I'm always happy to help him.

"Looks nice." I reply.

"You think Alyssa will like it?"

"Let's hope so," I say. "You gonna get it?"

"Yeah I'm gonna pick it up tomorrow." He replies.

"Alright attention." Our manager suddenly speaks up and we direct our focus on him. "Press conference is next Monday so I'm gonna need you boys to be at the courthouse by 10am."

"What about 10:30?" Jayden asks.

Nick sends him a glare and points a finger at him. "10am or I'll kick your ass J."

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