Hurt |2|

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smut 🫠

—He eases of his rear and slides his sweatpants and boxers half way down his thighs

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He eases of his rear and slides his sweatpants and boxers half way down his thighs. My mouth waters at the sight of his already hard dick glistening with pre cum.

He holds the base of it with one hand and uses his other one to grab a fistful of my hair. He taps the tip on my lips and looks down at me through half lidded eyes.

I immediately open my mouth and swirl my tongue around the tip of his dick, wanting nothing more than to pleasure him. Show him how sorry I am for what I said to him.

"Fuck." He gasps and throws his head back when I run my tongue along his sensitive slit.

I take him out my mouth with a pop and then drag my tongue along the base of it, maintaining eye contact with him. Then I take him in my mouth again and he grunts when his dick hits the back of my throat.

He shows me no mercy as he thrusts into my mouth and I let him use me however he pleases. My eyes roll to the back of my head each time his dick hits the back of my throat.

I grip onto his hips, holding on when he shoves his all of his length down my throat. Moans leave my lips at the taste of him on my tongue.

"So goddamn good." Ace fucks my mouth hard and I lean my head back, closing my eyes as I let him take me, use me. My eyes roll back when he pulls on my hair harshly, opening me up so he can get a good view.

"That's it baby, take me down your throat." He praises, moving hair away from my eyes.

A wave of pleasure shocks through my body as I watch him attempt to keep his composure, breathing rapidly as I fuck him with my mouth. It only makes me bob my head faster, wanting him to cum all because of me. A shudder runs through him when I swirl my tongue around his slit, moving my head back and forth rapidly.

My pussy aches, hearing his grunts and groans as I pleasure him with my tongue. And he seems to notice because a dark smile plays across his mouth.

Ace grunts and bites his lip when I suck his dick harder, "It gets you wet when I fuck your mouth, huh?"

I moan around him in response, leaking by just having him in my mouth.

"I'm gonna cum." He rasps.

After hearing those words, I eagerly suck him harder wanting his cum in mouth. When he does cum it fills all of mouth, some of it spilling down his cock. One of his hands grip onto the armrest of the couch he's sitting on, the other holding me close. After swallowing all of him, I lick my lips.

I watch him lean his head back against the couch, attempting to catch his breath as he closes his eyes. His chest rises and falls rapidly and damp hair sticks to his forehead.

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