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Today I decided that I'm gonna prank Ace by ignoring him for the whole day

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Today I decided that I'm gonna prank Ace by ignoring him for the whole day. He's at work right now but when he's back it's on. Reason I'm doing this is because he made me fuck up my makeup yesterday and I was twenty minutes late to work because of it. I'm petty, I know. I'm not actually mad at him for that because that'd be stupid. This is just for a little revenge.

Anyways, the day passed by slowly. I get bored without my man to be honest so every time he gets home I get all giddy. Today's obviously different. I can't show any emotion. Call it operation robot or some shit.

The front door opens and closes which means he's home. I peak at him from the living room, where I am watching TV, and fuck I want to eat him. He looks so hot right now in his black slacks and white t-shirt that he has unbuttoned with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

"Hey, love," A wide grin takes over his face as soon as he sees me. Normally, I would be all over him but I stick to my plan. "I missed you."

I missed you too.

He goes to kiss me but I turn my head away from him so his lips land on my cheek instead. He frowns in confusion. "What happened, baby? Did I do something wrong?" He asks and I almost cave at how innocent he looks right now.

What's a prank if it only lasts one minute?

Instead of answering him, I stand up from the couch and he steps back to let me pass. "Riv—?"

The rest of his words come to a holt when I walk out the living room and leave him there confused as fuck.

I don't think I can carry on with this prank for long because I already feel bad.


Ace has been trying so hard to get me to talk to him but I'm holding my ground firmly. I tried not to swoon when he got me a big bouquet of roses or when he bought me my favourite food or when gave me the books I've been wanting but keep forgetting to buy.

"I figured you wouldn't want to eat with me," He says, walking into our room, where I'm reorganising my side of the wardrobe, with a bowl of chicken and rice he made. "Here."

Before I can even say anything, he quickly leaves after placing the bowl on to my nightstand. He's so sweet even when I'm acting like a total bitch.

While I'm cleaning out my wardrobe, I eat the food he gave me and it's pretty fucking good. By the I've finished eating, I'm done with the wardrobe and getting ready for bed.

Ace finally comes back into our room and I glance at him through my vanity mirror.

"You're killing me, Riv," He comes up from behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. "Whatever I did, I'm sorry."

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