Girls Day Out

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I wake up from the bright rays of sunshine beaming through our bedroom windows

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I wake up from the bright rays of sunshine beaming through our bedroom windows. Peaking under the covers, I see my husband's arm wrapped firmly around my waist with his head buried into my neck.

Stretching, I turn around in his hold and he groans lightly in his sleep as I throw my arms around his neck. I comb my fingers through his soft hair and check the time on my phone.

I'm suppose to be taking Reyna out for the day in about twenty minutes.

"Ace." I whisper, peppering his face with small kisses.

He sighs softly and kisses the side of my neck. "Yeah, baby." He mumbles.

"I have to go." I say and start getting up.

He groans and drags me back down. My hands land on his chest and his slide down to my ass, lifting me up slightly to kiss the corner of my mouth.

"Where are you going?" He frowns and rubs the sleep from his eyes.

"Out with Reyna." I reply, brushing hair away from his forehead.

He hums and grazes his hands along my back, sending chills down my spine. "You need my card?" He asks, his voice sounding deeper than usual.

My favourite part about the mornings is listening to his voice. I could listen to it all day and never get tired of hearing it. Hell, even after eighteen years I'm still not bored of it.

"No," I say, smiling up at him, "But thank you."

"Let me take care of my girls." He says, reaching over and grabbing his wallet from the nightstand. I was about to open my mouth and protest but he's already taking is credit card out and sliding into the waistband of my underwear.

I sit up and straddle his waist, taking the card out. "Your fucking black card Ace? Are you insane?" I gape at him, holding up the card. He shrugs his shoulders in response and smirks when I narrow my eyes at him. "You're insane."

"Go." He slaps my ass and pecks my lips.

"I hate you." I grumble, getting off the bed and walking into the bathroom.

"Yeah, yeah." He rolls his eyes and throws the covers over his head, shifting to lay on his stomach.

Shaking my head, I switch the faucet on and take my clothes off before getting into the shower. I let the water run down my body and close my eyes, sighing softly.

Minutes later, I'm out of the shower and wrapping a towel around myself. Walking out of the bathroom, I see that Ace fell back asleep so I quietly step into our wardrobe and put my clothes on.

Once I'm done, I put my makeup on and comb through my hair. Grabbing my purse and phone, I walk over to the bed and kiss Ace's forehead.

"I love you." I whisper.

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