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There's so much to do and so little time to do it all

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There's so much to do and so little time to do it all. I have practise, press conferences, interviews, meetings, a whole company to run and so much more.

Audrey has been helping a lot and I'm so thankful for her but I'm not feeling any less stressed and overwhelmed right now. I need a break but that will only slow me down.

I've made it my priority to take care of the kids before everything else which is why I have my one year old daughter with me right now in the office while Audrey cooks dinner. I said I would do it but she's refusing so I just left her to it.

I'm trying to reply to an email from my coach about replacing AJ for this weeks game because he sprained his ankle. This week was my week off but I can't let the team down. Coach said there was no one else to guarantee this win so here I am accepting his offer. I'm the team captain. I should be there anyways.

Liliana starts fussing in my arms and I'm getting the hint that she's hungry and tired.

"Sorry, sorry," I mutter, standing up from my seat and bouncing her while I re-read the email I'm about to send. "One minute sweetheart."

Clearly she can't wait a minute with the way she starts balling her eyes out as soon as those words leave my mouth.

Fuck. I'm gonna have to send it later.

"Okay, okay. I know," I coo, taking her out of the office and towards the kitchen. "I know."

When I enter the kitchen, I finally get a look at the mess it's in. It's expected with three boys running around like headless chickens. Toys and crayons are scattered everywhere and the kitchen counters are covered with dishes along with food.

"Boys. Sit down please." Audrey practically pleads them but they're not listening.

My head begins to pound from all the noise and I wordlessly grab Liliana's pre-made bottle and leave. I have to get her down for the night before helping Audrey with the boys. I don't wanna fuck up her sleep schedule. It'll be a nightmare if I do.

"Shh," I hush my little girl as I walk up the stairs and give her the bottle. "It's okay."

Her cries immediately die down and I breathe a sigh of relief as I walk into her nursery. Taking a seat on the rocking chair in the corner of her room, I cradle her in my arms and watch her eyes slowly start to close.

Eventually she falls asleep so I take the bottle away from her mouth and gently lay her down in her crib then switch the baby monitor on. Kissing her forehead goodnight, I quietly leave her nursery and head downstairs into the kitchen.

"Boys." I say and they immediately stop running and turn their attention towards me. "Go to the living room and let Mamà cook."

They nod their heads and run into the living room and I sigh, looking at all the mess.

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