Date Night

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I haven't seen River or the twins in a few days because I've been on a business trip

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I haven't seen River or the twins in a few days because I've been on a business trip. As soon as I get back I'm gonna take my wife out to dinner because I miss her like crazy.

As soon as I arrived at the house, I send her a quick text to let her know that I'm here. It is pretty late but she told me earlier to let her know when I'm here. I didn't wanna keep her up but she's stubborn as fuck and there's nothing I can do about it.

After sending the text, I grab my duffel bag from the backseat of my car and was about to start heading inside until I hear a familiar soft voice.

"Ace." My wife calls out and I lift my gaze up to see her running towards me. She jumps into my arms and I immediately drop my bag to catch her as she wraps her legs around my waist.

My lips pull into a grin and I circle my arms around her waist. "River." I chuckle lightly and squeeze the shit out of her as I spin her around.

She giggles and cups my cheeks. "You're back," She whispers. "I missed you."

"I missed you too baby." I reply and lean up slightly to press a soft kiss against her lips.

She melts against my mouth and lets out a satisfied hum as she threads her fingers through my hair. My tongue enters her mouth and instantly finds her. I suck the tip of her tongue and she's spiralling. Tightens her grip around me, deepens the kiss, and moans into my mouth.

God, those sounds.

I break away from her mouth with a sweet pull and gaze into her hooded eyes. "I've also missed that." I whisper, smirking up at her.

She smiles and I furrow my eyebrow when she suddenly starts shivering. Only then do I notice that this crazy girl ran outside in just her shorts and tank top. To top it all of she has no bloody shoes on.

"Who told you to run outside wearing this, woman?" I sigh, picking my bag up from the floor with my free hand and walking towards the front door.

"I couldn't wait to see you," She says. "You can put me down now."

"Like hell I am," I grumble, walking inside and heading upstairs. "You have no shoes on and fuck River you could get sick. Do you realise how cold it is?"

"Oh how I've missed you fussing over me." She says sarcastically.

"Shut up," I slap her ass. "Don't come crying to me when you get sick."

"I don't need to," She smirks. "You'll be there anyways."

I don't say anything else because we both know she's right.

Walking into our room, I drop her sexy ass onto the bed and climb on top of her. My mouth is on hers in an instant and we're basically already ripping each others clothes off at this point.

After not seeing her for days I've been so fucking pent up and when I take off her shorts I can feel just how much she has been too.

I just want to wrap my hands around her throat and fuck her until she can't take it anymore. So for the rest of the night her cries for mercy fill our room as I bury myself deeper and deeper inside of her.

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