Wrong Name

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I wonder what would happen if I call Ace by the wrong name on purpose

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I wonder what would happen if I call Ace by the wrong name on purpose. Without a doubt he would definitely be pissed beyond words but we'll see though.

He's in the gym training and when I walk inside I see that he's punching the punching bag. With each hard swing the bag rattles on the chain it's hanging on. Sweat drips down his body and the veins on his forearms bulge with each jab each takes at the bag. I'm afraid he might actually punch a hole through it.

"Are you nearly done Alex?" I say and silently pray for myself as soon as that name leaves my mouth.

He doesn't say anything but his actions speak louder than his words because he lands a hard yet firm punch to the bag and sends it flying to the floor. My eyes widen at the sight as he swings his head around and pins me with dark look.

"The fuck did you just call me?" He scowls and stalks over to me like with a predatory look in his green eyes.

I don't say anything because suddenly I can't think. My mind is too focused on the fucking bag he just broke.

"Who the fuck are you calling Alex? Huh?" Ace throws his boxing gloves to the side and glares down at me.

I open my mouth to say something but he grasps my chin up and forces me to meet his dangerously intense eyes. "Who is he?" He says, voice low and menacing.

I swallow. "No one."

His jaw clenches tightly. "I'm not gonna ask you again River."

"I swear he's no one. I just accidentally said the wrong name." I say.

"That doesn't answer my question," He sneers. "But there are other ways I can get it out of you."

"But I don't even known an Alex." I say truthfully but he doesn't seem to believe me.

"Then why are you calling me his name?"

"It was a joke. I promise." I say and the grip on my chin loosens slightly.

"Better be a fucking joke." He grumbles.

"It is I swear." 

He lets go of my chin and snakes a hand around my waist, pulling me into his chest. "You're not funny." He mutters, dipping his head down and kissing my lips softly.

"You know I am," I smile against his lips and place my hands on his chest. "Now get away. You're covered in sweat."

"I can make you sweat too baby." He murmurs into my ear and slides his hand into my shirt.

I bite my bottom lip and stare up at him as his hand caresses my bare waist. "I just showered. You should too." I tell him and he frowns.

"Whatever." He mutters and steps away from me.

I watch and fuck I just about lose my balance at the sight of him. Sweat is trailing down his abs that look even more highlighted due to the moistness of his skin. His hair is almost dripping wet, his biceps bulging boldly due to the weights he had probably been lifting earlier. I can see the muscles and veins prodding against his arms.

He starts talking but my mind can't make out what he's saying. I'm too focused on all the unholy things I wanna do to him right now.

"I'm having second thoughts." I blurt out and tug on the front of his sweatpants before he can get a word out.

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thank you for the suggestion! <3

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thank you for the suggestion! <3

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