Quality Time

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River and I are going on a vacation without the twins, who are three, for the first time

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River and I are going on a vacation without the twins, who are three, for the first time. River's stressed. I keep telling her that the twins will be fine because they need to know eventually what it's like without us. Even if they're young. River said they're too young to be without us and although I agree, we need this time for us. I can't remember the last time I had any quality time with my wife in three years. We've always been preoccupied with the twins.

Anyways, Theo and Alea offered to take care of the twins while we're away and we're really grateful for that. Especially because they just had their baby girl a year ago so they're still kinda settling into parenthood. They said they wanted to look after the twins for practice for when their baby turns into a toddler.

"All the bags are in the car, amore," I say, walking back inside the house to see her helping the twins with their shoes. "Let's go."

"I don't want to leave them." She says for like the fifth time today.

That catches Reyna's attention. "Leave?" She says with furrowed brows, looking up at me. "Papà where are you going?"

"Nowhere, sweetheart. I'm right here." I say softly, picking her and kissing her cheek.

We haven't really told them that we are leaving them for five days because they'd start crying and it would've been difficult to get them ready for the day. All we said to them is that we're visiting Theo and Alea.

"Okay." She says with a cute little grin. Fuck. Now I don't want to leave her behind.

As soon as River puts Matteo's shoes on, we finally leave and head to Theo and Alea's. The twins are distracted with their iPads so River intertwines her hand with mine and squeezes it. I can tell she's stressed as fuck right now and I try my best to soothe her as much as I can.

"Can't we just take them?" She asks and I glance down at her to see that her eyes are filled with worry.
"How can we leave them?"

"River, stop," I say firmly. "We talked about this last night."

"I know." She mumbles with a frown. I hate it when she's upset and I know leaving them is hard for her.

I pull up into Theo's driveway and kill the cars engine before redirecting my attention towards her. I bring her into my arms and she lays her head on my shoulder.

"Please don't be upset." I mutter, placing my hand on the back of her head and gently trailing my fingers through her hair. "I don't want our vacation to start with my girl being upset."

"I'm sorry." She says, lifting her head up.

"Don't apologise, love." I say softly, leaning my forehead against hers. "I'm sorry we have to leave them. You know I hate it too but we need this time alone River. I miss you."

"I miss you too." She replies, cupping my cheeks.

"Then let's do this, okay?"

"Okay." She sighs.

𝐃𝐄𝐋 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐎 𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀'𝐒Where stories live. Discover now