Went Wrong

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Ace and I are going on a mission today

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Ace and I are going on a mission today. We have to take down one of the gangs around here. They've been killing our men and stealing our shit so now me and Ace have to sort out the situation before it gets out of hand.

The twins are at school and have no idea we're going on this mission which is for the best because the less people that knows the better. As usual Alea and Theo are coming with us and are going to be our map to guide us around their building.

Right now, we're all in the SUV driving to the place and going over the plan one more time.

"We'll park out back. Just take anything stolen and place the explosive inside. There will be a thirty second timer on the explosives so come out as quick as you can." Theo explains, typing away on his computer to get the security cameras up so he can hack into them.

Alea leans her head on his shoulder, hugging his arm and watches him work as she says, "Rodrick is still at the club so won't be back til another half hour or so. There's about twenty men guarding the main room."

"Alright. You got into the cameras?" I ask Theo, loading up my gun and putting it into my holster.

"I'm in. The footage from three hours ago is being replayed so they won't get suspicious." He replies.

I nod my head in response just as the car comes to a stop. Ace opens the back door and gets out. I stand up and was about to climb out but he scoops me up bridal style and sets me on the floor himself, kissing my cheek.

"Such a gentleman." I say, grinning up at him.

"Only for you m'lady." He replies, slapping my ass and walking over to the group of men by the other SUVs.

Gentleman, I'm telling you.

He starts going over the plan with them and a couple of minutes later we're all separated into groups before we go into the building. Once everyone's armed themselves with weapons, we enter the building with the code Theo got us. Ace goes one side and I go the other.

I lead them up the ladder and gesture for them to seepage themselves so we can silently take out the guards up here. Crouching around the corner, I take my knife out and see a guy walking past me. Quickly, I grab his leg and push him down onto the floor, hearing him grunt.

His eyes grow wide when he sees me but before he can say anything, I smirk and stab him in the chest. Getting of his dead body, I take my knife out of his chest and wipe the blood of my face with the back of my hand.

Looking around the top floor, I see that my men have killed the rest of the guards so I lean over the railing and see that Ace's group has done the same.

"Incoming from wing A." Theo says through the earpiece.

"Got it," I say to him, "Start taking the crates down." I say to my men.

𝐃𝐄𝐋 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐎 𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀'𝐒Where stories live. Discover now