Alea & Theo

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A/N: read my message board if you haven't already 👍

A/N: read my message board if you haven't already 👍___________________________________

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"Ace move." I groan, pushing him away from me but he doesn't budge.

"No stay." He grumbles, tightening his grip around my waist.

"You're being extra needy today."

"I haven't seen you all day." He mumbles into my neck. "I missed you."

He came straight upstairs as soon as he got home from work, which is why he's still in his suit. Alea and Theo are downstairs because we were suppose to be hanging out but this motherfucker won't move.

"I missed you too but I really need to pee."

He groans and reluctantly lets go of me. I run into
the bathroom because this is what happens when you're four months pregnant with twins.

After I'm done, I walk back over to Ace and pull the covers off him. "Up. Now." I say sternly.

"Fuck. You." He grumbles, putting a pillow over his head.

"No. Thanks." I say, slapping his ass and laughing when he shoots me a glare.

"Baby lay with me." He says, gripping my upper thigh.

"I will later mi amor." I say softly, combing my fingers through his hair.

"Promise?" He mutters.


"Fine." He sighs and gets out of bed.

He takes his jacket and tie off, undoing his top buttons and then rolling his shirt sleeves up to his elbows, revealing his veiny tatted forearms along with a heavy silver watch.

We make our way downstairs and into the living room but I stop when I reach the doorway, gaping at the sight in front of me. At the sound of our footsteps, Alea and Theo break up from their little make out session and stare at us with wide eyes.

"We can expla—"

"Hold the fucking phone," I raise my hand up and grin slightly, "holy shit since when? Alea?!"

"Theo?!" Ace says, gaping at him.

"Like a week ago." He mumbles and smiles slightly.

"Story time. Now." I say, sitting on the couch next to Ace.

"There's not much to say. We hooked up and then it escalated from there. And now we're dating." She says, shrugging her shoulders.

I never would have expected this. I mean I do catch them staring at each other quite a few times.

I lean over and grip Theo's collar, bringing him closer to my face as I glare at him. "Listen here motherfucker. You break her heart and I will enjoy skimming you alive." I grit out.

𝐃𝐄𝐋 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐎 𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀'𝐒Where stories live. Discover now