First Year

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When we found out River was pregnant, I proposed to her soon after and within two months we were married

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When we found out River was pregnant, I proposed to her soon after and within two months we were married. River didn't want her baby bump showing during our wedding because she didn't want people knowing just yet. So, our first year of marriage was dealing with her pregnancy cravings, morning sickness, her fatigue, her nausea, etcetera.

We didn't have a normal honeymoon. I surprised her with a trip to the Maldives. Instead of going out to beaches, restaurants, bars, boat trips, or even jet skiing, we spent most nights at the hotel with our room service. I couldn't even fuck her since it was still the early stages of her pregnancy and I didn't want to hurt her or the babies. Doctor's orders or whatever.

I didn't mind though. Just spending time with her was enough. Especially without the additional stress of running a whole business and the Cosa Nostra.

Anyways, that's how the first few months of our marriage went. That was back in June. We found out she was pregnant back in April.

When we came home, we fell into a routine. With her being three months pregnant, she wanted to start up her modelling business before her pregnancy could stop her from doing so. It took her about six weeks but she got there and I've never been more proud of her.

Her fourth month came around pretty quickly. We were busy with work but made time for each other whenever we could. I would never prioritise my work over my wife. She'll always be my number one priority.

Our routine was hectic but simple.

My alarm for work went off at 6 am just like it does every morning. I'm quick to turn it off before it wakes up my wife and turn around to face her. I spent at least five minutes every morning just admiring her beauty and kissing her face because I won't get to see her for a couple of hours.

I'm still not use to this deep ache I get in my chest whenever I'm away from her. She has made a wreck of me.

As soon as the five minutes is up, I finally get out of bed and start getting ready for the day. I always make River breakfast and put it in the fridge with a note before I leave. Just want to make it easier for her.


Works been long like usual and I always look forward to coming home to my woman. Seeing her running towards me with her little baby bump melts my fucking heart. I can't wait to kiss her. I miss her so much.

Once work finished, I went straight home. I picked up dinner on the way back. As always, my wife made her little run towards me to greet me by the door. Then, after we finish dinner I head downstairs for a workout. By the time I've finished, I shower and join my wife in bed.

"Be careful on your feet, baby." I say, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into my arms.

"I'm fine." She replies, wrapping her arms around my neck.

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