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Groggily, I open my eyes to the sound of my alarm

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Groggily, I open my eyes to the sound of my alarm. I blindly reach over to the sound nightstand and turn it off.

Ace starts stirring in his sleep, tightening his grip around me. He has my breast in one of his hands with his broad body curving into mine and his face is buried into my neck.

I start getting up but he curls his arm around my neck and nuzzles his nose into my hair. "Ace." I groan.

"No." He grumbles, sliding his hand down my navel and tracing his thumb along my waistline.

"I don't think so mister." I grab his hand and hug it to my chest, feeling him smile against my hair.

"No?" He murmurs into my ear, wrapping his tatted hand around my neck.

"Nope," I say, wriggling out of his hold and sitting up, "Get up."

I gather the sheets up to my chest and was about to get out of bed but Ace suddenly grips them. I look at him over my shoulder and see him holding them to his lower waist.

Forgot we're both naked because of last nights events.

My eyes travel down to his abs and then his sharp v-line. "Eyes up here, love." His deep voice draws my attention back to him.

"Shut up," I grumble, running my hand down his abs, "And get your ass up."

"So demanding." He mutters, sitting up in bed and ruffling his messy hair.

"Showed you that last night." I peck his cheek and get out of bed, smirking when his cheeks tint pink ever so slightly.


Abby, who is thirteen, and Reyna went out to I don't know where and as soon as they came back they went to Reyna's room. I can even hear them bickering from her room. I swear all these girls do is gossip and I don't even know about what. They've been friends ever since Abby was born and although there's a two year age gap, they are close.

Abby doesn't go to the same school the twins do because Alea and Theo live in a different area than us.

"Dad! Get your ass here!" I suddenly hear my fifteen year old son yell and then I hear loud footsteps coming up the stairs.

Before I can even process what's going on, Ace is running past me with Matteo chasing after him with his faced covered in cream for some reason.

"Boy back the fuck up." He chuckles, shaking the whipped cream can in his hand.

"Boys." I sigh, crossing my arms over my chest and looking between both of them.

"Ma look at what he did!" Matteo wipes the cream of his face and throws it at Ace, who quickly dodges it.

"Ace." I run both of my hands through my hair.

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