Miserable |2|

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Three weeks has gone by since River said that she wanted a divorce but she hasn't given me any papers

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Three weeks has gone by since River said that she wanted a divorce but she hasn't given me any papers. Not that I would sign that shit anyways.

Ever since that day I've been miserable. Every day without her is suffocating. I need her and I feel so shitty without her. I never really thought about what life would be like without her because she's always here. Whenever I need her. Until she's not.

I guess it was reasonable for her to think there was someone else but there never will be. It'll always be her. Only her.

The truth as to why I couldn't tell her where I've been for this past month is for her and the twins' safety. There were a few enemies I had unfinished business with that I had to take care of. Telling her that would have meant that her life would be at risk and I know I should've but I can't. Not with the twins here. I can't risk it but fuck. Look at us now.

Drinking at night was just to help me sleep since I always came home late and needed to wake up early. I should've taken sleeping pills or some shit though.
Now, I can't sleep at all. Not with her gone.

I'm staying at my office and she's staying with the twins at our house. Of course I get to visit them but whenever I do her and I barely talk. It's always small talk and I hate it.

Maybe this arrangement is for the best until everything is taken care of. But I miss them like crazy.

"Ace, man. Get up." I hear a muffled voice followed along with a tap to my shoulder.

"Piss off." I groan and push whoever it is away.

"You're suppose to see your kids today. Come on."

I squint my eyes open and see Theo standing above the couch I'm laying on.

"Morning sunshine." He grins and I just want to punch that stupid ass face of his. Motherfucker.

"Shut the fuck up." I grumble, sitting myself upright and rubbing my eyes.

He chuckles and takes a seat next opposite me. "How are you?"

"Fine." I mutter, pouring myself a glass of scotch and bringing it up to my lips.

"Okay," He takes the glass away from me and I shoot him a glare, "You've had enough to drink. Also, drinking first thing in the morning? Seriously man? What has gotten into you?"

"Give me the glass." I say lowly, pinching the bridge of my nose as my head begins to pound.

"Look. I know the break up—"

"We didn't break up." I send him another glare and he raises his hands in surrender.

"Alright, alright." He says. "I know you haven't seen her in a while but drinking isn't going to bring her back. You need to get your shit together."

"Give me the damn glass Theo."

"No. You wanna go visit your kids smelling like fucking booze? Huh?" When I don't say anything, he scoffs and rolls his eyes. "When was the last time you ate? Or slept?"

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