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I love days like these

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I love days like these. Where we have no work, the kids have no school, the sun is out, and there is no stress of anything else.

The boys are watching a football game in the living room while my six year old daughter helps me make milkshakes for everyone. My little helper.

Ace is doing a BBQ later so I didn't feed the twins with a shit ton of snacks or they won't eat later. They've been drinking a lot of cold water though because it's so fucking hot.

"No strawberries for Papà." Reyna says seriously, covering the top of his glass with her tiny hands as she shakes her head at me when I start cutting up some strawberries.

"I know baby." I smile and put the strawberries on top of the whipped cream in the rest of our glasses.

She takes a sip of her milkshake and hums in satisfaction. "It tastes good Mamà." She tells me, putting her glass down and I glance over at her to see that she's got a little bit of whipped cream on the tip of her nose.

"Messy girl." I kiss the tip of her nose and scoop her up.

Laughter bubbles in her throat as I attack her face with small kisses before setting her down on the floor.

"Go inside. I'll bring the drinks." I say to her and she nods her head before running inside to where the boys are.

Once I've finished preparing the milkshakes, I make my way into the living room with them. My husband is sitting on the couch with our son on his lap. Both of them are too focused on the game.

Reyna is in her own little world listening to music on her iPad while she colours on the coffee table.

"Milkshakes are done by the way." I announce but all I get are incoherent mumbles in response.

Ace suddenly shoots up from his seat with our son in one arm. "What a fuckin' loser." He grumbles, glaring at the TV.

"The field isn't for him." Matteo mutters, laying his head back against his father's chest.

"What's the big deal about football anyways?" I grab my milkshake and sit down on the couch with a sigh.

"Competition." Ace replies absently, setting Matteo down on the ground.

"Players." I reply with a little smirk.

"What?" He half turns his body in my direction and narrows his eyes.

I should fuck with him.

"Number 30 looks hot." I tell him with a careless shrug.

"Excuse me?" He says with a scowl. Hell, even Matteo scowls at me.

"Number 30 looks hot." I repeat, glancing at the player. He's the total opposite of my type, I think to myself as I look up at my glowering husband. Yeah, my man is way hotter.

In response, he pokes the corner of his mouth with his tongue. That cocky smirk appears on his face as he slowly nods his head while turning back around and sliding his hands into his pockets.

However, just when I think he's calm he picks up the remote and switches the TV off.

"Ace." I begin to smile.

"Oh, are you talking to me? Your husband?" He acts clueless, pointing a finger at himself.

"Don't be like that." I groan a little.

"Take your number 30 and fuck off." He scoffs, shaking his head as he sits on the couch opposite me.

"Seriously?" I sigh and roll my eyes at him.

"You know I'll fuckin' kill him." He says and just from his tone I know he's deadly serious.

I get up from my seat and sit down beside him instead. "Are you being insecure right now?" I question him, wrapping my arms around his neck and resting my chin on his shoulder.

He clenches his jaw and turns his head away from me. "Why would I be insecure over that piece of shit?" He rolls his eyes. "He's plays like a little bitch on steroids. Guess his looks are the only thing he has." He says the last part sarcastically and I bite back my laughter at his jealousy.

"I'm not really into football players anyways," I reply and he turns his head back towards me. "I'm into you." I whisper and his eyes soften.

"Seriously?" He asks, unamused.

"Yes, seriously," I say. "C'mon Ace. He's the total opposite of my type."

"I'm gonna assume I am."

"Yes. You're perfect." I grin and peck his lips.

"Nothing compared to you though, mia regina." He says softly.

(My queen)

He never fails to give me butterflies, I swear to God.

thank you anonymous for the suggestion! <3

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thank you anonymous for the suggestion! <3

I'm so sorry this one took long, I had completely forgotten about it😭

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