Sick Days

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As soon as I come home from work I immediately see Ace sleeping on the couch with half of his body hanging off it

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As soon as I come home from work I immediately see Ace sleeping on the couch with half of his body hanging off it. Tall motherfucker. He was still dressed in his navy blue suit and his shoes were still on.

The baby monitor was in his hand which tells me that the twins are down for their nap. He was laying on his stomach so I can't really see his face properly.

Quietly, I walk over to him and crouch down to his level. I gently trail my fingers through his hair and place my other hand on his forehead, growing concerned because of how warm he is.

Standing upright, I put a blanket over him and walk into the kitchen to get him some medicine. Once I have it, I get some water and walk back over to him.

I take the monitor out of his hand and place it on the side along with his medicine and water. Crouching back down in front of him, I brush my fingers through his soft curls and kiss his forehead as he sighs softly.

His eyes slowly open and a lazy smile tugs on his lips when his gaze meets mine. "Baby." He rasps, still being half asleep.

"Hi pretty boy," I grin, tracing his cheekbone with my thumb, "how are you feeling?"

"Like shit." He mutters.

I give him the medicine and water from the side so he props himself up on his elbow and takes them. After he's finished, I take the empty glass of water and put it on the side.

"Go upstairs, change into something comfortable and I'll bring food up." I say softly.

"Stay with me?" He mumbles.

"Of course."

I stand upright and Ace kicks the blanket of himself, slowly sitting himself up. He runs one of his hands through his hair and rubs the sleep from his eyes as he stands up, now towering over me with his tall frame.

He slides hands up my nape and places a tender kiss on my forehead. "I missed you today, beautiful." He murmurs, stroking my jawline with his thumb.

I wrap my arms around his waist and smile up at him. "I missed you too."

He dips his head down to kiss me but just before his lips connected with mine, I pulled away and he frowns. "You're sick." I say, shaking my head slightly, "Go upstairs." I order him, pointing to the stairs and tapping his ass which earned me a glare.

"Stop touching my ass." He grumbles.

"No. Go." I point to the stairs again and raise an eyebrow at him when he doesn't. He rolls his eyes and reluctantly walks away.


I gave Ace his food and by the time I was finished the twins have woken up from their naps. I quickly make their milks and go up to get them.

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