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It's halloween so the twins, who are four, are off school

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It's halloween so the twins, who are four, are off school. They wanted to go trick or treating tonight for the first time but their father told them no because it's too dangerous. We're trying to convince him to take us.

Matteo and I love halloween. We go all out with our costumes and the house decor. Reyna finds the whole thing scary but only likes the holiday because of the amount of candy she gets.

Anyways, Ace is taking a nap so the twins and I decided to make halloween cookies. They're decorating them right now. The cookies are suppose to be pumpkins, ghosts and spiders but they don't look anything like them. It's so cute that they're trying their best though so I let them do what they want. They're getting eaten either way.

"Here. Don't make a mess, please." I say, handing each of them their plates with a cookie on it.

"Thank you, Mamà." They say in sync.

While they eat, I can clean up the mess they made in the kitchen and by the time I'm done so are they.

"Want to go wake Papà up and ask him to take us trick or treating?" I ask, wiping the icing of their faces.

"He said no." Matteo says with a pout.

"Let's go ask again." I tell him.

"Yeah," Reyna says enthusiastically with a grin. "I want candy."

"Let's go then." I say and they immediately start running towards the stairs so I follow after them.

We reach our bedroom and I open the door for them. They run inside and immediately jump on the bed where my husband is sleeping peacefully.

"Papà! Papà!" They yell in sync as they climb on him.

Groaning, he lifts his head up slightly and squints his eyes open, alarmed. He furrows his eyebrows in confusion and I grin at how cute he looks right now.

"What the fu—" He rubs his hands down his face and drops his head back onto the pillow as he closes his eyes again. "Fudge."

"Can we go trick or treating Papà?" Reyna asks, climbing into his arms.

"I already said no." He grumbles, wrapping her up in his arms.

"Please Papà." Matteo frowns, climbing into his arms as well. 

"No, it's too dangerous." He sighs and wraps him up in his arms too.

"Please Ace." I climb into bed and run a hand down his chest.

"You too?" He groans and opens his eyes to look at me.

"Let them have fun, love." I tell him. "Hm?"

"I don't like being ganged on like this." He grumbles and I smile.

"I want to go." Reyna whines, sitting herself up and tugging on his shirt.

"Yeah, me too." Matteo says, sitting himself up.

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