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Mom and Dad are fighting again but I don't know what it's about

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Mom and Dad are fighting again but I don't know what it's about. No matter how rare it is that they fight I still hate it whenever they do. It's not like they're arguing in front of us, they never do, but the tension between them is killing me inside.

They're arguing inside the kitchen right now and when I cautiously walk inside to grab myself a drink they immediately stop.

"You two good?" I ask but I already know the answer. 

"We're fine." Mom says, her tone firm and I can practically hear the underlining anger lacing it but I know it's not directed at me. More so my Dad.

"Oh yeah. We're perfect." Dad replies sarcastically, poking the corner of his mouth with his tongue.

I shift in discomfort and take a longer sip of my water than needed. "Um okay," I swallow. "I have homework to do."

That was a lie. I already finished all my school work. It's just an excuse to get the fuck out of here and as soon as I reach the top of the stairs I go straight to my room.

I decide to play on my console and wear my headphones to drown out their argument from downstairs. It works because I can't hear a thing. It can't drown out my thoughts however. My mind is clouded with the my Mom and Dad's argument. I just wish they would stop.

Few minutes into my game, I feel a light tap on my shoulder and I look up to see my sister standing beside me with an exhausted look on her face.

I immediately take my headphones off and pause my game to give her my full attention. "Hey," I say. "What's up? Need anything?"

"Can I take a nap here?" She murmurs, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "I can't sleep in my room with all the fucking yelling."

"Yeah of course," I say, patting the spot beside me on my bed. "You want my headphones for music?"

"It's okay," She mumbles and lays down beside me. "Thank you."

"No problem," I smile and ruffle her hair. "Get some sleep."

She gives my chest a weak shove and I smirk, putting my headphones back on and unpausing my game.

Couple minutes later, Reyna eventually fell asleep and my parents have finally stopped yelling after I heard the front door slam shut. Dad left because Mom came up to check on us but I didn't really feel like talking.

I'm exhausted from all their yelling and now it's finally quiet.


You would think that they would've resolved their issues by now but no. As soon as Dad came back from work they started arguing again and I'm sick of it. It's like walking on fucking eggshells around them. I don't even want to talk to them because they're not acting like themselves right now.

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