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Movie night with the kids is always eventful

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Movie night with the kids is always eventful. Mostly because the twins argue about which movie they want to pick. Even when we tell them to take it in turns.

"I want to watch toy story!" Matteo whines.

"Beauty and the beast!" Reyna whines too.

"Angel it's Matteo's turn to pick." Ace says softly, picking her up and sitting her on his lap.

"But Papà—"

"Hm?" He raises an eyebrow.

She pouts and sinks into his chest. Smirking, he brushes hair away from her forehead and place a soft kiss there. My son grins as he puts on the movie and sits him down on the couch with Reyna.

Ace takes a seat on the other couch just as I walk into the living room with snacks. The twins thank me when I give them the snacks before sitting down next to Ace and cuddling into his side with a blanket. He wraps an arm around my shoulder and kisses  the top of my head as the movie starts.

Spreading his thighs a bit, he slouches down in his seat and rests his jaw on his knuckles. I throw my leg over his so he moves his hand there and rubs my thigh. I lay my head down on to his chest and start kissing his neck, trailing my hands down his torso—dangerously close to his waistband.

"River." He whispers, closing his eyes and gripping the back of my neck.

"Mm?" I hum, kissing along his jaw and trailing my fingers back up to lightly tug his hair back for better access.

He groans lowly under his breath, pulls the covers over us and grips my ass. "What are you doing?" He breathes out, swallowing the lump in his throat.

"Nothing darling." I whisper into his ear and trace my tongue along the shell of it.

I reach down to the front of his sweatpants and slowly rub him through his clothing. He bites his bottom lip to stop himself from groaning out loud and sends me a glare to which I smirk at.

"Behave yourself." He grits out, his breathing now becoming laboured.

"I don't think I will." I say innocently, batting my eyelashes up at him and watching his cheeks flush.

His body tenses at my touch and he covers his face with his hand, stifling his sounds. Using his other hand, he pulls me closer to him and closes his eyes as I leave marks down his neck. Smirking, I pull away but don't stop my hand movements.

"Papà?" I hear Matteo's voice.

Taking a deep breath, he lifts his head up from his hand and reopens his eyes.

"Mm?" He hums, sending me a warning glance to stop teasing him. Of course I don't listen. I'm fixing myself up for a goddamn punishment at this point.

"You sick?" He questions with furrowed eyebrows.

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