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You can never work at home in peace when there's always something going on

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You can never work at home in peace when there's always something going on. Like right now. Ace and Matteo have been arguing in the living for a good twenty minutes now and I'm growing tired of their bullshit so I decided to abandon my work and find out what they're arguing about now.

Walking into the living room I see Matteo sitting on the couch and Ace standing in front of him yelling at him about something.

They rarely argue and when they do it's always something big.

"You're sixteen and are out drinking at this time of the day! Come puoi essere così irresponsabile Matthew?!"

(How can you be so irresponsible Matthew)

"I was being responsible dad." Matteo sighs and Ace pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Then why did I have the police call me five fucking times to come pick your ass up from the station!?"

Okay I wasn't aware of this. What the fuck?

He goes silent at that and Ace scoffs.

"You're lucky you weren't charged for the shit you pulled!"

"I didn't do shit!" He snaps back.

Ace directs a cold glare towards him that makes him swallow thickly. "Underaged drinking, vandalism, drinking and driving, breaking someones car window, really Matthew?! Are you out of your mind?!"

My eyes grow wide in shock.

Matteo stands up. "It wasn't just me!"

"I don't give a damn! You were involved!"

"Why do you have to be on my ass 24-7?! I fucking hate you!"

"Because of this goddamn reason Matthew! You're still an immature kid! When are you going to grow the fuck up?!" His fists clench by his sides.

"Fuck you!" Matteo pushes past him, rushes upstairs and slams his bedroom door shut.

Looking back at Ace, I see him sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. Matteo needs time to cool down so I quietly walk over to Ace and touch his hand. He lifts his head up, his expression tired but his gaze softens when he sees me.

"You okay?" I ask quietly as I take a seat next to him.

He lays his head on my shoulder, intertwines our fingers together and hums. "Did you hear all of that?"

I sigh. "I did. It's not like him to do that Ace and I'm questioning why he would do it now."

"I know. You think I was too hard on him?"

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