First Steps

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I decided to take the day off with the twins, who are now one

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I decided to take the day off with the twins, who are now one. River's still on her maternity leave so she's been staying at home with them.

As soon as I walk in I see the twins using their walkers and River sitting on the living room floor watching them with a soft smile.

I sink down next to her and peck her cheek, draping an arm over her shoulder.

She looks over at me, slightly startled. "When did you get here?" She asks, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"Five minutes ago." I chuckle as she smiles and pecks my cheek.

I wrap my arms around her waist and bury my face into her neck. She wraps her arms around my neck and trails her fingers through my hair.

"Mamà." I hear my daughter babble.

"Ace." River gasps, nudging my shoulder.


"Reyna, baby, come here." She says and I can sense the smile on her face.

I internally groan when she gets up from the floor and rushes over to God knows where. Finally lifting my head up, I see my daughter standing on her own two feet, making grabby hands towards River. She's done this before but this time it looks like she wants to take a step forward.

"Wait I need my phone." She quickly walks out of the room to get her phone so I move to sit in front of Reyna.

"Come to Papà angel." I say softly and extend my arms out to her. Matteo crawls over to me and stands himself up next to me, gripping my shirt so he doesn't fall.

"She didn't do anything yet, right? I didn't miss it, did I?" River says, rushing back into the room with her phone in her hands.

"Not yet." I shake my head as she sits herself down next to me and starts recording Reyna.

"Papà." She whines.

"Come here bambina." I say and she tries stepping forward again.

This time she successfully takes a step and a wide grin appears on my face when she takes another one. Glancing over at River, I see her smiling widely behind the camera as Reyna continues to make small steps towards me.

"Look at you princess," I chuckle, watching as she latches her tiny hand on to my pointer finger and walking straight into my arms.

I wrap my arms around her and pepper her face with soft kisses, her laughs filling our ears.

River cuts the recording and pecks Reyna's cheek before sitting opposite to me on the floor.

I turn Reyna around in my hold and stand her up so she's facing her mother.

"Come to Mamà."

A cute smile makes its way on to my daughters face as she slowly walks over to where River is.

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