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smut 🔞

"You sure you don't want me to stay home with you?" Ace asks, putting on his watch and walking back over to where I am in bed

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"You sure you don't want me to stay home with you?" Ace asks, putting on his watch and walking back over to where I am in bed.

"I'm fine Ace," I mumble, pulling the covers over my head. "Just go to work. You have a meeting."

He keeps insisting on staying home to take care of me since I'm sick. I feel like absolute shit but I can't keep him from work. No matter how much I crave the feeling of his strong arms wrapped around me. I could just melt in his warmth.

He sits down beside me and cups my cheeks. "Call me if you get any worse." He says softly, leaning his forehead against mine.

"I will," I grumble. "Now move. You're gonna get sick." I cover his mouth with my hands and nudge him away but he doesn't budge.

Instead he kisses my palm and smiles until it reaches his beautiful green eyes. I feel my own clips curve upwards as I slowly move my hands to cup his cheeks.

"Can I kiss you?" He murmurs, brushing his lips against mine.

"No you'll get sick." I mutter, turning my face away from his.

He grips my chin and turns my face back towards his. "I don't fucking care." He grumbles and before I can say anything else he connects his mouth with mine in a soft tender kiss.

I wrap my arms around his neck and smile against his lips. He pulls away by a breath and rests his forehead on top of mine.

"You should go." I whisper.

"I'll miss you." He says softly.

"I'll miss you too."

He kisses my forehead before he stands from the bed. "Don't do any of the house work," He says firmly. "Just rest."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I mutter, pulling the covers back over myself and getting comfortable again.

"I mean it." He says sternly, pointing a finger at me.

"There's so much to do though."

"I don't care," He says. "I'll do it when I get back. Just focus on getting better, Riv."

"Alright, alright."

"Okay I'm gonna go before I'm any later." He says, leaning down and pecking my lips. "I love you and I'll see you soon baby."

"I love you," I say softly, smiling up at him. "I'll see you soon."


Ace has been gone for a while now and I know he said not to do any housework but I can't help it. I hate leaving things unfinished and I also hate the mess in the kitchen. So, I'm cleaning. Though my husband is gonna be back soon. God, he's gonna kill me.

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