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Audrey and I are staying in Brooklyn for a few days

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Audrey and I are staying in Brooklyn for a few days. She's three months pregnant and we haven't told my family yet. They'd find out eventually because her baby bump is showing slightly but it's better to tell them ourselves.

"You feeling okay?" I ask my wife, wrapping my arms around her waist and resting my chin on her shoulder as she puts on her lipgloss.

"I'm fine." She reassures me, putting the cap back on her lipgloss.

"You're so pretty, love." I murmur into her neck. She's wearing a pink dress that highlights her curves and baby bump perfectly.

She turns around in my hold and throws her arms around my neck. "Thank you baby." She says, going on her tiptoes to peck my lips.

I lean my forehead against hers and smile against her lips. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," She says, "Do I look okay in this dress?"

"You look perfect." I reply, gazing down at her little baby bump with a grin.

"Then lets go." She says and then makes her way out the front door.

I pick up our bags and follow behind her towards the my car. Once I have the bags in the trunk, I open the door for my wife and then go over to my side.


After a four hour car ride, we finally made it to Brooklyn. Audrey was feeling a little sick the whole ride and she didn't get any better when we got here.

Mom and Dad greeted us by the door before they went back to making dinner. My sister couldn't make it so we'll tell her the news the next time we visit. Hopefully after having a little food Audrey will feel better then we can tell them the news.

"Feeling better?" I ask, sitting down on the seat beside Audrey on the couch.

"A little." She mutters, laying her head on my shoulder.

"After dinner go upstairs and rest." I tell her. Ever since Reyna and I moved out, our parents didn't really change our rooms. They said they had nothing to change it to. It makes it easier for whenever we stay over.


"I think food's done," I say, standing up from my seat and taking her hand. "Come on."

She takes my hand so I lead her into the kitchen where my parents are setting down the plates on to the dining table.

"You guys need help?" I ask, pulling out a chair for Audrey to sit on.

"It's okay." Mom replies, placing the drinks and sauces on to the table.

I nod my head and help Audrey on to her seat before dipping my head down to her level. "You okay?" I whisper to her after noticing how her face has gotten a little pale. She has become sensitive to the taste and smell of certain foods so I'm worried she might be feeling nauseous right now.

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