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smut 🔥

Today Ace and I decided to take the twins, who are three, out to dinner

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Today Ace and I decided to take the twins, who are three, out to dinner. I'm putting my lipstick in front of my vanity mirror when my son walks in with his toy car.

"Pretty Mamà." He says, standing beside me with a tiny grin on his face.

"Thank you, baby." I say softly, picking him up and sitting him on my lap.

I finish putting my lipstick on while he plays with his car and then run my hands through his thick curls.

"You need a haircut." I tell him, peppering his face with kisses that make him laugh uncontrollably.

He looks up at me and I brush his hair away from his eyes to see them better. "You cut it?" He asks.

"Of course."

We hear the door to the bedroom open and I turn my head to see my husband walking in. "Ready to go?" He asks.

"Yes." I reply, setting Matteo down and standing up.

"Matt, come here." Ace says to him and when he walks up to him he picks him up. "Mamà got lipstick on you."

"Where?" He asks, pushing his hair back.

"On your cheek." He replies, combing a hand through his hair. "Let's go wash it off."


"And Goddamn boy you need a haircut." Ace says, carrying him into the bathroom.

"Mamà gonna cut it." Matteo replies.

Their voices become muffled as they head inside the bathroom. While they're doing that, I decide to check up on Reyna. I think she's in her room doing God knows what.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing?" I ask, walking into the twins' room.

"I put my shoes on." She replies, standing up from the floor and showing off her shoes.

I kneel down and bring her into my arms. "Got them on the wrong feet though."

"Oh." She frowns.

"Come here," I let out a small laugh as I take her shoes off. "I'll help you."

While I'm putting Reyna's shoes on, Ace comes in with Matteo and sits him on the dresser. We're in the process of moving Matteo into a new room. Right now I'm still painting it and buying furniture for him. As soon as he's moved out, I'm gonna redecorate this room for my little girl.

Ace offered to help but he knows better than to mess with my flow. So instead, he's just been lifting all the furniture and shit into the rooms.

"Better?" Ace asks Matteo as soon as he places a cap backwards on his head.

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