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I'm laying on the couch when my wife comes in to the living room and lays down next to me, throwing her thigh over mine and burying her face into my neck

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I'm laying on the couch when my wife comes in to the living room and lays down next to me, throwing her thigh over mine and burying her face into my neck. I look down at her from my phone and smile slightly. So beautiful.

I cradle her head in my arm and stroke her cheek with the back of my hand. "You okay, love?" I say softly.

"Mhm," She hums and mindlessly combs her fingers through the back of my hair, "My aunt and Miyah are coming over."

I haven't seen them since the twins were born which was four years ago and that means Miyah is now eight. River visits them in London but I don't because I'm always busy with work. Plus it's a hassle taking the twins too.

"I haven't seen them in ages." I say, putting my phone into my pocket.

"Four years." She says and places a soft kiss on my jaw.

I suddenly hear tiny footsteps entering the living room and I lift my head up slightly to see my daughter climbing on top of me and settling down on my chest.

"Hi." She grins, looking up at me and River.

I lift her up a bit and peck her nose. "Hey, sweetheart." I say softly.

"Hi, baby." River whispers, stroking her cheek with her thumb.

I hear my sons footsteps and the next thing I know he's also climbing on top of me and laying his head down on my other shoulder.

I swear I'm like their personal pillow.

I kiss his temple and wrap my arm around him and Reyna as I use my free hand to tilt River's chin up. A content smiles sits on her lips as her sapphire eyes stare into mine.

"What time are they coming over?" I ask her, running my thumb along her jaw.

"Around half an hour." She replies and I nod my head in response.

"Can we put Disney on?" Reyna asks and grins when River turns the tv on.

"Yes, the hell we can." She says, flicking through the movies.

"I have to send off an email." I start getting up from the couch but they all groan and drag me back down. Okay then.

"You're watching this poo with me." Matteo says, pointing at the tv that is now playing a random Disney movie.

"It's not poo!" Reyna disagrees.

He grumbles and glares at the tv, crossing his arms over his chest.


"Ace!" I hear from behind me so I turn around and smile widely when I see Miyah running up to me.

I bend down slightly and catch her in my arms, hugging her tightly. "Long time no see, princess." I grin, picking her up from the floor.

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