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"Ace, move

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"Ace, move. We have to go." I say, tapping his shoulder as he continues his trail of kisses down my neck.

He only hums and tightens his grip around my waist as I trail my fingers through his soft curls.  We're probably late to work because of this dumbass.

He moves his kisses up to my jaw until finally his lips connect with mine. The tenderness he kisses me with has my heart racing and my stomach flipping upside down. Steady, dominant hands roam down my body before stopping at my ass and squeezing it.

He pulls back slightly and leans his forehead against mine. "Let's go. Theo's going to be here soon." I mutter, adjusting his tie.

"One more." He mumbles, leaning into me and before I can reply, he kisses me again.

Ace groans and pulls away when there's a knock on the front door.

"Go answer it. I'm going to check on the twins." I say, opening our bedroom door and leaving. He stays silent so I turn around and catch him staring at my ass. Of course. "Ace. Door."

He snaps his gaze up to mine and smirks. "I could stare at that ass all day." He says bluntly.

"Well we don't have all day," I sigh, pushing him towards the stairs, "Now go open the door for fuck sakes."

"He can wait a little longer." He replies, reaching for me.

"Ace I swear to God I'm going to pull my own fucking hair out."

"I can do the pulling." He says lowly. This man.

I groan, turning around and making my way down to the twins' nursery. I slowly open the door and switch on their night light to see them sitting in their cribs, rubbing their drowsy eyes. Looks like they've just woken up.

Large smiles appear on their faces as soon as they see me and I feel my own lips curve upwards as I walk over to their cribs.

"Hi babies." I say softly, carefully picking them up from their cribs and my balancing them on my hips as I kiss their cheeks.

I turn around and turn off the light before leaving. The deep voices from downstairs become more clearer with each step I take down the stairs. I see Ace and Theo looking over a file Theo has in his hands. Ace occasionally points to something on the page and Theo nods his head to whatever he's saying as he listens intently.

I put the twins down and let them walk around so I can put my shoes on.

"I'll get back to you on this." Theo says, waving the file in his hand.

"As soon as possible." Ace replies, slipping his shoes on and of course as soon as Reyna sees this she starts crying because she knows he's leaving.

Theo winces from the sudden noise. "Damn girl." He says, covering his ears.

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