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The kids are excited because it's the night before christmas

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The kids are excited because it's the night before christmas. They wanted to put lights up around the house and decorate the christmas tree so that's what we did. Ace and I didn't know what to get the twins for christmas because they already had their third birthday earlier this month but we managed to find a few things for them.

I even found a little something for my husband.

"Papà can I put this up there?" Reyna asks, holding up an ornament to him and pointing at the top of the tree.

"Yeah baby, come here." Ace replies, holding out his hands to her.

She grins and walks over to him so he lifts her into his arms. Then, he brings her closer to the tree and helps her put the ornament on it.

"Does this look okay, Mamà?" Matteo asks from the floor, pointing towards the ornament he placed at the bottom of the tree.

"Looks perfect." I smile, crouching down to him and brush his curls away from his forehead.

"Can we open a present now?" He murmurs.

"Wait until tomorrow." I tell him and he pouts.

"Aw man." He mutters with a huff.

I then hear a sudden giggle from Reyna and I look up to see Ace leaning his forehead against hers with a smile on his face. Adorable.

"Why don't you two put the star on the tree?" I suggest.

"Yeah!" The twins yell in sync.

Ace readjusts Reyna in his hold and bends down a little so Matteo immediately runs into his arms. While I grab the star, Ace lifts our son up so he's levelled with his sister. I mean the twins can easily reach the top of the tree from there because Ace is already so tall. With his 6'5 ass.

Once I have the star, I give it to the twins and then they carefully put it on the top of the tree. As soon as it's on, I switch the lights off and turn the tree lights on.

"Wow." Reyna says in awe, staring up at the tree as Ace sinks down onto the couch with the twins on his lap.

"Can we put milk and cookies out for Santa?" Matteo asks, glancing up at me.

"Of course we can." I reply and the twins grin, immediately running off towards the kitchen.

"So who's gonna tell them that Santa doesn't exist?" Ace asks with a smirk.

I shoot him a glare and point a finger at him. "You tell them and I'll kill you." I grit out. I know he wouldn't. He knows not to ruin their imagination.

"I'm kidding, love." He says, smiling up at me.

"Better be or I'd smack the shit out of you, Ace." I say, nudging his shoulder as I walk towards the kitchen because I don't want the twins being in there unoccupied. Last time we left them alone occupied in the kitchen, they raided the cupboards and made a mess everywhere.

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