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Usually Ace would be up before me but today he is not so today I'm making breakfast for the kids before they go to school

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Usually Ace would be up before me but today he is not so today I'm making breakfast for the kids before they go to school. He rarely sleeps in and I wish he would often. He needs a break every once in a while because that motherfucker is a workaholic.

"Morning Mamà," Matteo greets with me a hug as soon as he gets downstairs. "You're up early. Need some help?"

"It's okay sweetheart," I peck his cheek and flip over the pancake I'm making in the pan. "You can sit down."

"Alright," He sighs and opens the fridge to grab the juice carton. "Dad at work already?"

"No he's asleep." I reply, plating up his food.

"Still?" He says in disbelief as he grabs a glass from the cupboard. "Thought he would be up by now."

"He must be tired." I say, setting the plate down in front of him when he takes a seat on the barstool.

"Where's Papà?" I turn my head around at the sound of Reyna's voice and see her rushing into the kitchen with a piece of paper in her hands.

"Sleeping. What's wrong?" I ask, placing another plateful of pancakes on the table for her.

"Math homework. He said he'll help me in the morning." She groans and slumps down in the seat next to her brother.

"When's it due?" I ask.

"Today." She mutters.

"Why do you leave stuff until last minute?" I say, rolling my eyes.

"I forgot." She shrugs her shoulders and takes a bite out of her food. "But I don't know how to do the work."

"I can help." Matteo inputs.

"Fuck off. You always want something in return." She scoffs and rolls her eyes at him.

"Free of charge." He replies with a smirk.



"Alright then," She says, giving him the piece of paper. "Here."

"Can I have a pen?" He asks her.

"Sure. Let me just pull one out of my ass." She replies sarcastically.

"Do you want me to do your homework or not?"

"Here, Matt." I say, giving him a pen from the drawer.

"Thank you." He shoots me a dimpled smile and directs his focus on Reyna's homework.

"Thanks for helping." Reyna says to him but he simply just puts a finger to his lips in a way to tell her to be quiet. He doesn't like being disturbed when he's focused.

Reyna rolls her eyes at him and takes out her phone from her pocket before scrolling through it. I decide to make myself a cup of coffee since I haven't had the chance to yet and when I glance at my watch I see that it's nearly 8am. The kids start school at half past and it takes them about twenty minutes to get there.

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