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"Kiss or slap?" River says, grinning up at me as I load the car up with our bags

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"Kiss or slap?" River says, grinning up at me as I load the car up with our bags. We're taking the twins on vacation to Spain because we all need a break from Brooklyn.

"Slap." I smirk, slapping her ass.

"Your loss." She sighs heavily, shaking her head.

"Kiss me anyways." I mutter, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"That's not how it works," She pokes my chest, "You can't have both."

"I can't kiss my wife?"

"No." She pouts exaggeratedly, freeing herself from my hold and before I can reach for her she's already making her way back inside.

What the hell.

Rolling my eyes, I face the car again and put another suitcase in the car.

"Papà." I hear my four year old daughter's voice from beside me.

"What are you doing here, princess?" I say softly, smiling down at her. She's eating a bag of skittles that River most likely let her have. First thing in the morning.

"Up." She shoots her arms up in the air towards me so I pick her up. "I came to help you."

"Yeah?" I raise my eyebrows, then point to the last suitcase by the car, "Can you put that in the car for me?"

"." She nods her head confidently so I place her back down on the floor. She hands me her skittles and I put a fist to my mouth to hide my smile as I watch her struggle to lift the suitcase up. Obviously.

Shaking my head, I help her by lifting the last suitcase into the trunk.

"I did it!" She beams up at me.

"Good job, baby," I grin, high fiving her, "So strong, aren't you?"

"Stronger than you."

"Of course."

I hear the front door open along with Matteo's cries so I turn my head to see River trying to calm him down as she walks over to the car.

"What happened?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I woke him up."


Matteo's been in a mood the whole ride. If he's not glaring at someone then he's glaring at something else. If we ask him something his answer will always be no or a shake of his head.

"Matt, you want food?" River asks, putting a fry up to his mouth.

"No." He glares at her, twisting his face away and looking out the plane window instead.

"You've only eaten skittles," She says to him, "Have some please."

"No." He frowns, getting off his seat and walking over to me then gesturing for me to pick him up.

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