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Matteo and Ace have been arguing for the past twenty minutes now over the most dumbest shit ever

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Matteo and Ace have been arguing for the past twenty minutes now over the most dumbest shit ever. Matteo was an hour late to his meeting with Ace and their business partners. He had a good reason to be late because our son had a test to take. Ace thinks that he deserved a heads up instead of looking like a complete idiot waiting for him.

They're both stupid.

"Dad I'm sorry but that test was really important!" Matteo says in frustration. "It goes towards my final grades."

"That's not the point!" Ace yells back, glaring at him. "You could've told me! I looked like a complete idiot waiting on you Matteo!"

"I need the credits to graduate for fuck sakes!"

"One day the Cosa Nostra will be yours! How are you suppose to learn if you won't fucking show up?!"

"My education is more important!"

"I never said it wasn't!" Ace scowls. "All I'm asking is for you to work with me here, Matthew! I'm doing all of this for you!"

Their voices fade out the second Reyna starts talking. We're in the living room eaves dropping because we don't have choice since they're so loud. We just want to watch a movie for God sakes.

"I can't hear shit." She groans, rolling her eyes. "Go tell them to shut the fuck up or I will."

"Fucking boys." I grumble, getting up from the couch. I'm tired of their shit.

"This is so fucking stupid!" Matteo sneers.

Stepping forward, Ace narrows his eyes and tilts his head at him. "Say that shit again." He warns, voice low.

I quickly step in between them because I don't want things to escalate any further. "Ace." I sigh, placing my hands on his chest and pushing him back a little.

"The fuck do you want?" He snaps, sending me a glare.

"Watch your tone." I scowl up at him. The audacity of this hoe is unreal.

"This doesn't concern you."

"I don't give a shit. Stop yelling at my son." I grit out.

"Our son," He corrects as fiery fills his gaze. "Don't try and fucking defend him, woman."

"You better fucking check yourself when you're speaking to me, Ace or I swear to God." I seethe. "I'm not putting up with your shit."

"Oh, fuck off." He lets out a humourless laugh as he shakes his head and glances to his side.

"Fuck you, asshole." I shove past him and hear him curse under his breath.

He's such a dick sometimes.


After what happened earlier, the silent treatment from me is what my husband deserves. I know him and Matteo already made up but I'm petty. I want him to know that it's never okay for him to talk to me like that.

"Baby, I'm sorry." He says for what feels like the hundredth time.

Of course, I don't say anything so he kneels down beside me as I take my makeup off at my vanity mirror.

"I shouldn't have spoken to you like that," He mutters, running his hands up my thighs and you know what, I let him because that's all he's getting from me tonight. "And I'll never do it again. I know better."

He sighs when I ignore him again and lays his head in my lap. "I hate it when you're not talking to me."

Eventually he gives up with trying to get me to talk. While I take my makeup off, he changes his clothes and heads downstairs to sleep on the couch because he knows damn well he's not sleeping here tonight.

I try and sleep but I can't so when a few hours pass by, I give up and head downstairs where he is. Before I would sleep just fine without him but now I can't. I've gotten so use to falling and waking up next to him. This is all his fault.

Walking into the living room, I see him lying down on the couch scrolling through his phone. He has his head resting on his bicep but upon hearing my footsteps he lifts his head up.

"Riv?" He furrows his eyebrows and puts his phone away. "You okay?"

Wordlessly, I climb in beside him and snuggles into his side. Confused, he slowly wraps his arm around my shoulder and covers me with the blanket.

"I'm sorry." He whispers as I throw my leg over his.

"Shut up." I grumble. I'm still pissed at him but I'll deal with that tomorrow.



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