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I took a day off work because the kids, who are five, wanted me to and since I wasn't that busy I said I'd spend the day with them although they have school

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I took a day off work because the kids, who are five, wanted me to and since I wasn't that busy I said I'd spend the day with them although they have school.

River said she's finishing work early today so hopefully she'll be here by the time the twins come back from school.

Right now, I'm dropping the kids off at school.

Once I've parked the car, I kill the engine and get out of the car. First, I get my son out of his car seat and stand him on the pavement.

"Papà." Matteo tugs on my t-shirt and gazes up at me.

"Yeah, kid?" I answer, holding onto his hand and walking round the Reyna's side to get her out.

"Can I have $20?" He asks.

I furrow my eyebrows and open Reyna's door. "And why do you need $20?"

"Papà!" Reyna beams as soon as she sees me.

I smile down at her and unbuckle her from her car seat. "Hey sweetheart." I say softly, kissing her forehead.

"Because I need bank." Matteo replies.

"You don't need bank. You're five." I reply, shaking my head at him and picking Reyna up.

"So?" He tilts his head and furrows his eyebrows in genuine confusion.

Sighing, I close the car door and walk over to the trunk before opening it to get their bags out. Then, I redirect my attention towards Matteo.

"You're a pain in my ass." I tell him, taking my wallet out of my pocket and pulling out a twenty dollar bill. "Do not lose this."

"I won't." He grins, taking the money from me.

"I don't wanna go to school." Reyna mutters, laying her head on my shoulder.

"You have to, baby." I say, holding their bags in one hand and closing the trunk.

"Not fair." She pouts.

"Matt, come on." I say, holding my hand out for him to take.

Shoving his money into his pocket, he clasps onto my hand so I take them towards the school entrance.

As soon as we're there, I crouch down and give them their bags.

"Have a good day at school." I say, pulling them into a hug.

"Bye Dad." Matteo says and after I peck his cheek and ruffle his hair, he's gone.

Reyna's clinging onto me a little longer than usual and I'm guessing it's because she doesn't want to go.

"Reyna?" I pat her back and run a hand down her black hair.

"No." She grumbles.

"Time to go, princess." I sigh and lift her up.

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