Little Boss

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I'm taking Reyna to work because I have no one else to watch her since River is with Matteo at his game

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I'm taking Reyna to work because I have no one else to watch her since River is with Matteo at his game. It's my daughter's first time coming with me so I'm hoping it doesn't overwhelm her.

Right now she's asleep and I'm on my way to wake her up so we can go.

Quietly, I open her room door and pull up the blinds, letting some sun into the room. I walk over to her bed, crouch down and trail my fingers through her dark hair.

"Reyna," I whisper softly, stroking her cheek with my thumb, "Wake up, darling."

She starts mumbling incoherently and stirring in her sleep but she doesn't wake up as expected. Sighing, I stand upright and take the covers off her. I gently pick her up and kiss her cheek, walking over to her closet. She hugs my neck and lets out a soft yawn.

Walking into her closet, I look for something for her to wear but I still don't know how to fucking dress her. Even after four years so I just put a tracksuit on her because it's easier. River has filled her closet with a bunch of shit that I don't how to match.

"Reyna." I rock her side to side and pepper her face with small kisses.

"Papà." She whines, slowly opening her eyes.

I put her on the floor and she wraps her arms around my leg, leaning her head against it as I take her clothes out.

"Come here, baby." I say softly, holding her hand and leading her out of the closet.

Looking down at my watch, I curse under my breath after noticing the time. I walk into Reyna's bathroom and start a bath for her before picking her up and standing her on the sink top.

My phone starts ringing in my pocket so I take it out and answer the call, balancing it between my ear and shoulder.

"Man, where are you? These recruits aren't going to train by themselves." Theo says through the other line.

"I'm running late." I grumble, sitting Reyna in the bathtub after checking the temperature.

"Yeah, no shit," He says sarcastically, "What do you want me to do Ace? I have about fifty guys here."

"Figure it out Theo. I'll be there soon." I say, hanging up the phone and quickly washing Reyna.

Minutes later, I have her showered, dressed and her teeth brushed. Now I just need to do her hair. Great.

Sitting her in the sink, I grab a brush from the side and gently comb through her hair. I might just have to leave her hair down because I don't what the fuck I'm doing.

Once I'm done, I grab her bag and pick her up before rushing down the stairs.

"I'm hungry Papà." She says as I unlock the front door and step outside.


"I'll get you maccies, yeah?" I say, locking the door and making my way towards my car that's parked on the driveway.

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