Home Alone

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"I'm taking the boys to school and then I have to go to work," Audrey says, balancing our five month old daughter on her hip as she makes a bottle of milk for her

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"I'm taking the boys to school and then I have to go to work," Audrey says, balancing our five month old daughter on her hip as she makes a bottle of milk for her. "You'll be okay with her, right?"

I've never been home alone with our baby girl before so I'm nervous in case I fuck something up. Even when the boys were babies I was never home alone with them.

"I'll be fine." I mutter. I don't know if I'm trying to convince myself or her.

"Will you?" She turns around to face me and raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah," I nod my head and hold Liliana's hand with my thumb and finger. "We'll be fine won't we, little princess?"

Staring up at me with her blue eyes, she smiles and lays her head on Audrey's shoulder. Though her eyes are just like mine she looks so much like her mother. From her hair, to her smile, to those dimples. She's so perfect.

"Okay. I'll be back tonight but call me if you need anything and I'll try get here sooner." Audrey says, shaking the baby bottle. "Give her another bottle before her nap."

"Audrey, we'll be fine." I say softly, cupping her cheek with my free hand. "Stop stressing, darling."

"Mamà!" Lourenço yells as he suddenly runs into the kitchen. "Can you do my shoe please?"

"Yeah, baby." She says, passing Liliana to me. "Come here." She holds his hand and leads him out of the kitchen.

Liliana starts whining and fidgeting in my arms so I rock her slightly to calm her down while I take the cap off the bottle. "It's okay, it's okay." I whisper and when I bring the bottle to her lips she eagerly latches her mouth onto it.

Cradling her, I sway side to side on my feet and smile down at her as I gently stroke her cheek with my thumb.

"You're so pretty, baby. You know that?" I murmur and she smiles against the bottle like she knows exactly what I'm saying. "I think you do." I grin and peck her forehead, making her giggle. I do it again and her giggles turn into laughter so I bring the bottle away from her mouth as her laughs get louder.

So precious.

After giving her a couple more kisses, I continue feeding her and by the time she has finished Audrey comes back with the boys.

"Bye, Papà." The boys say in sync, running over to hug my leg.

I crouch down to them and sit Liliana on my leg. "Bye, boys." I kiss the top of their heads and ruffle their hairs. "Be good."

"Bye, Lili." Mattias pecks her cheek and runs back over to Audrey.

"Bye, Liliana. We can play when I come back, okay?" Lourenço gently kisses her cheek and runs back to Audrey.

"Can I take her with me?" Nico pouts, staring up at me.

"No, little man. You can't." I shake my head and he frowns, holding her tiny hand.

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