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"Look how cute she is

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"Look how cute she is." Matteo coos at our one year old daughter as he bursts through our bedroom door.

I stop applying my mascara to take a look at her and I see that he put her in a beautiful yellow summer dress with a little bow in her hair. "She's adorable. Thank you for changing her." I shoot him a smile and get back to my makeup.

"I know how to dress my baby, huh princess?" He grins and lifts her into the air as her giggles fills the room.

"Where are the boys?" I ask him.

"Watching TV." He replies, sitting Liliana on our bed and placing a few toys in front of her.

"You ready to go?" I ask, glancing over at him. We're going out to dinner for the first time in so long. Usually we're ordering out or cooking at home because then there will be less chaos.

"Yeah," He replies, walking up to me and wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "Fuck. I love it when you wear my name."

He's referring to the jersey I'm wearing with his name on the back. It's the one he wears to his games. 

Grinning, I peck his lips and get up from my seat. "As much as you love it I'm gonna have to change."

"You could just go out like this. I wouldn't mind." He murmurs, wrapping his arms around my waist and bringing me into his chest before I can leave.

"Matteo." I whine, trying to free myself from his fucking death grip.

"Kiss me and I'll let you go." He smirks and dips his head downwards.

"You're the reason why we're always late." I grumble, poking a finger at his firm chest.

"You're the one who isn't even dressed." He retorts.

"Because of you."


He gets cut off when our four year old son Mattias barges into our room and goes straight towards his sister on the bed.

"What are you doing here mister?" I ask, walking over to him and bending down to peck his cheek.

"I missed Lili." He mumbles. There's only a three year age gap between them but Liliana and her brothers are so close. They would do anything to protect their little sister.

"You can watch her while Mamà gets changed." I tell him and he immediately lightens up.



"Finish your food Nico." Matteo tells him with a sigh. "Then you can colour."

"I'm full." He frowns and continues colouring in his drawing.

We made it to the diner not too long ago. We've finished our food and now we're waiting for dessert before we leave. Well, everyone has finished expect for Nico. He's being as stubborn as always.

"One more bite." Matteo tells him, holding a forkful of food to his mouth.

"No Papà." He grumbles and stubbornly turns his head away from the fork.

"Come here baby." I say, opening my arms out to him and within an instant he's making his way towards me. I pick him up from the floor and sit him down on my lap as I grab his plate. "Last bite. I promise." I keep my voice soft when I speak to him. 

"Okay." He mutters and very reluctantly opens his mouth.

I feed him his last bite and kiss the top of his head. "Good boy. You want ice cream now?"

"Yeah!" He grins and looks at me with his bright hazel eyes.

After pecking his cheek, I set him back down and watch him return to his seat where his brothers are. Matteo drapes an arm around my shoulders and leans his head against mine.

"I swear he only listens to you." He says.

I smile and pat his chest. "He's just being stubborn." I reply and he hums in response.

Liliana starts fussing in her high chair and I was about to grab her but Matteo suddenly stands up. "I've got her." He says, kissing the top of my head and picking Liliana up from her high chair.

"I might've left her diaper bag in the car."

"I'll get it," He says, grabbing his keys from the table while he bounces Liliana to soothe her. "I'll be back."


Before getting into bed, I decided to shower. Matteo already has and he's just in the bathroom brushing his teeth.

Maybe I should fuck with him and tell him he needs to leave so I can shower.

"Can you leave? I want to shower Matteo." I tell him as he finishes brushing his teeth.


"Well, can you?"

"You want me to leave?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"Yes. I want some privacy please."

"What? Baby. Privacy?"

"Matteo, I need to shower." I whine, tugging on the end of his shirt. "I don't want you seeing me."

"But I've already seen every inch of your beautiful body," He mutters, wrapping his arms around my waist and dropping his forehead down to mine. "Don't hide yourself from me."

"I'm not. I just want some privacy for today."

"Okay," He sighs and presses a soft kiss against my forehead. "I'll leave but just so you know I couldn't care less about what you look like Audrey because you're mine."

"Thank you," I smile and wrap my arms around his neck. "I was joking though. You can stay."

A wide smile flashes across his face and the grip around my waist tightens as he smashes his lips against mine.

"I'm gonna enjoy the view." He whispers against my mouth.

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