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I've been sick for the past couple of weeks

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I've been sick for the past couple of weeks. At first I thought it was just my period but I realised it wasn't because I'm two weeks overdue. I feel like absolute shit as I've been throwing up constantly and I have stomach cramps that won't go away no matter how much medication I take.

I've been in bed all morning. Ace insisted on staying with me but I told him to go to work and promised I'll call him if anything happens. Since I've been sick he's been picking up the twins from nursery and dropping them off.

I've tried to  move around for a bit but each time I do, I always feel nauseas.

I hate being sick. Makes me feel useless. And I always want to be doing something.

Getting up from bed, I feel a wave of nausea hit me suddenly so I run to the bathroom and throw up for the sixth time this morning.

I groan, flushing the toilet and turning on the tap before brushing my teeth again. Once I've finished, I slowly walk back into the bedroom.

I haven't felt this way ever since I was pregnant with the twins. The thought of being pregnant again makes me anxious. Only because Ace and I haven't talked about having another baby.

Inhaling a deep breath, I slip my shoes on and grab my car keys. I wouldn't know if I'm pregnant or not if I don't take a test.


I'm an impatient person so if this damn test doesn't hurry up I'm going to lose my mind.

My breaths are laboured as I stare at the pregnancy test, waiting for the results. Closing my eyes, I inhale a deep breath to try and calm down my racing heart before reopening them and looking at the results.

My stomach sinks when I see those two lines.

I cover my mouth with my hands and stare at it in disbelief. What the fuck? What do I do? How do I tell Ace?

My fingers start to tremble as I slide down the bathroom door and sink down to the floor, covering my face with my hands. There's always a possibility that it's a false positive.

My heart rate picks up when I hear the front door shut and close. I hear Ace and the twins' voices from downstairs and I feel my palms begin to sweat.

After what feels like forever, I hear our bedroom door open and then his voice. "Riv?" His footsteps echo into the room and I can't find it in me to answer as I'm still in state of shock.

He knocks on the bathroom door lightly. "Baby, you in there?" He asks softly.

My throat feels dry. I want to say something but it's like the words are stuck in my throat. Instead I swallow.

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