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"You're so pretty, baby

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"You're so pretty, baby. Did I tell you that today?" I murmur into River's ear, running my hands over her silky black dress.

She turns her head towards me and smiles. "You might have told me about five times already."

Smirking, I place my arm on the back of her chair and take a sip of my scotch. We're at another ball and I already want to kill myself.

The twins are here too but I don't where they went. Probably talking to some of the other kids here.

At events like these I've had boys ask to court my daughter each year and I always deny them because I have high standards for her. Everyone knows, which is why they try and 'impress' me. Plus she's only seventeen and I want her to make her own decisions.

Anyway, this is the type of ball where men can be a suitor to the Don's daughter if they're accepted. Mafias do it for alliances but I'm not about that shit.

"You gonna say yes to at least one of them?" River asks, raising her eyebrows and I shrug in response. "What if she likes one of them? Then what?"

"She can do much better than these clowns." I grumble, lifting my hips up and adjusting myself in my seat.

She hums in response and sips on her drink. "What about him?" She nods her head towards a boy, who is talking to Reyna near the back.

"She look interested to you?" I ask against the rim of my glass, raising an eyebrow.

"Fair." She mumbles.


"Sir," I turn my attention away from the group of men in front of me and see a boy standing beside me, "Can I have a moment of your time, please?"

I look him up and down and then give him a curt head nod, silently demanding for him to go on.

"In regards to your daughter." He clarifies.

Stepping away from the group of men, I cross my arms over my chest and stare down at him. "You have five minutes." I grumble, glancing down at my watch.

He swallows and looks over his shoulder momentarily. I follow his gaze and see a man standing next to a table with his hands in his pockets. I'm assuming that's his dad.

"Well?" I urge him on, growing impatient.

"Right!" He turns his head back round, "Sorry," He clears his throat, "I was wondering if I could be a suitor for your daughter, Reyna?"

I run my hand along my jaw and tilt my head. I silently assess him. Burgundy dress shirt with black slacks. Hands a little shaky. Slick back hair. God, don't even get me started on his choice of cologne. And his demeanour lacks confidence, which makes me question whether he actually wants to be my kid's suitor.

𝐃𝐄𝐋 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐎 𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀'𝐒Where stories live. Discover now