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Mom and Dad are out of the house until later tonight

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Mom and Dad are out of the house until later tonight. No clue when they're coming back because they're always busy.

Thank God Audrey is here to keep me company since my sister is out of the house too doing fuck knows what.

I'm playing games on my playstation but Audrey keeps bugging me about wanting to do some skincare shit that I really don't want to do.

"Please." She practically begs.

"Not happening." I mutter with my gaze fixated on my game.

"Matteo." She says and I take a quick glance at her to see a pout sitting on her lips. Dammit.

"That's not going to work." I grumble.

I almost lose my damn mind when she climbs on my lap and wraps her arms around my neck. "You never say no to me." She mumbles into my nape.

She knows me too well.

How can I possibly deny her anything?

With a sigh, I adjust her in my lap and turn off my game. "You're right." I say, burying my face into her neck and circling my arms around her waist.

"So can we?" She perks up.


She lifts her head up and cups my cheeks with a grin on her face. "Thank you." She says softly and I almost groan out loud when she gets off my lap.

I watch her walk into the bathroom and return a few moments later with a bunch of skincare stuff in her hands that she dumps beside me on the bed.

"You're pretty." I blurt out, gazing up at her.

Smiling, she leans down and kisses me softly yet slowly. Fuck. Her lips feel like heaven; pure bliss.

"You're pretty." She replies.

"Can we skip this bullshit and go straight to bed?"

"Nice try," She rolls her eyes. "Let's do face masks."



That took longer than it should.

At least I get to play my game while Audrey is busying herself on her phone.

I hear the front door open and I'm assuming that Reyna is finally here. Her footsteps echo throughout the hall and fall silent as she reaches her bedroom.

"I'm gonna go checkup on Reyna." I say, kicking the covers off myself and getting out of bed.

"Okay." She mumbles with her gaze fixated on that stupid candy crush game she has been obsessed with.

Shaking my head, I lean down and kiss her cheek before I leave our room. Approaching her room, I knock on her door and wait for a response but I don't get one strangely enough.

"Reyna?" I call out but once again I'm met with silence and I start thinking the worse. What if this idiot got hurt?

Without thinking twice, I slam open her room door and quickly step inside but the sight before me has me frozen in place. She's sitting on her bed with some random fucking guy. I just caught her ass.

"What the hell Matteo?" She practically yells, glaring over at me.

"Who the fuck is this?" I demand, glaring at the fuck who has his damn hands on my little sister.

"None of your business. Get out of my room!" She sneers but I don't budge.

"Who are you?" I direct my question towards the guy, who is staring up at me with wide eyes.

"Uh I'm," He swallows thickly and avoids eye contact. "Roman."

"What are you doing with my sister?" I scowl and ball my hands into fists.

"Leave us alone." My sister interrupts and jolts out of her seat.

"Well?" I raise a brow and cross my arms over my chest, completely ignoring her.

"Listen man we weren't doing anything," Her little boyfriend says, standing up from the bed. "We're just talking."

"Keep your hands off my sister." I seethe.

"We're going to your place next time." Reyna mutters to him but I heard her perfectly clear.


"No the hell you're not," I shoot her a glare. "Or else your ass is dead."

"Matteo just get out for fuck sakes." She grumbles and starts shoving me out the door.

"Keep this fucking door open," I order. "And he better be gone by the time Dad comes back or you're dead."

"Yes I know," She lets out a groan of frustration. "Now leave."

Narrowing my eyes at her, I reluctantly leave. I don't trust that fucker with her and I'll rip him apart if he tries anything.

Walking back into my room, I immediately climb into bed with Audrey and wrap her up in my arms. I let out a satisfied hum at the feeling of her soft skin against mine.

"Reyna okay?" Audrey asks, reaching a hand around and trailing it through my hair.

"She has her stupid boyfriend over." I grumble into her neck.

She chuckles and turns around in my arms. "Just leave her. It's okay." She whispers, pecking my lips.

"My Dad is gonna kill her." I mutter.

"You two are very protective of her."

"Yeah because these dickheads take advantage of her."

"I'm sure she can handle herself."

"No doubt that she could but she shouldn't have to."


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