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It's our anniversary today which means Ace and I are going on a date tonight

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It's our anniversary today which means Ace and I are going on a date tonight. He never tells me where we're going because he always wants to surprise me.

Once I've finished getting dressed, I walk downstairs to meet him by the front door. He's wearing a pair of black slacks with a white shirt tucked into them, leaving the first few buttons undone.

"Beautiful." He grins, taking my hand as soon as I reach the last step.

Smiling, I peck his cheek before he leads me towards the car. He opens the door for me and I thank him as I get in. As soon as he gets in, he swerves out of the gates and drives off to God knows where.

Couple minutes pass and we finally arrive at a really fancy restaurant up town.

"You didn't have to." I say, turning my head towards him as he parks the car.

"Only the best for you, my love." He says, taking his key out of the ignition and pecking my cheek.

"I would've been happy with takeout." I sigh.

"For our anniversary? Fuck no." He scoffs and gets out of the car before opening my door for me.

"Thank you." I whisper, leaning up and pecking his lips.

"Of course." He smiles against my lips and then intertwines his hand with mine.

He leads me towards the entrance and once Ace has  given the waiter our reservation information, he immediately sits us by the balcony, giving us a perfect view of the sunset.

"Let me know when you're ready to order sir." The waiter smiles and quickly walks away when Ace nods his head curtly.

Once the waiters gone, Ace drags my chair towards him and then rests his arm on the back of it. "What do you want to eat?" He asks, looking down at the menu.

"Nothing with seafood in it." I reply.

He hums and as he scans the menu. My eyes involuntary drift over to a table behind him. I catch the sight of a woman openly checking my husband out with a smirk on her face. This has happened before and I always try my best to ignore it but this girl was starting to get on my nerves because not once did she look away.

Clenching my jaw slightly, I move my gaze back to Ace and try hide the irritation in my voice when I speak. "Can we get something to share?"

He lifts his gaze back up to me and smiles. "Sure." He says, closing the menu and bringing his hand up to brush a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

I smile at the gesture and from the corner of my eye I could see the woman from earlier glaring at me. Smirking, I lean over and press my lips against his.

"What was that for?" He asks, his voice hoarse, as soon as we pull away.

"Couldn't help it when you look like this." I whisper against his lips, tracing my finger along his slightly exposed chest.

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