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My wife has been sick for a few days now and she's been a little moody because she's been stuck in bed

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My wife has been sick for a few days now and she's been a little moody because she's been stuck in bed. She likes being active and is always doing something so I can see why.

I've been staying at home with her while she's sick but today I had a meeting to attend but I managed to wrap it up quickly. By the time I got home, however, River was taking a nap on the couch with her favourite show playing in the background.

It's about 1 in the afternoon and I have to pick the twins up from school in about two hours so I better feed my girl something before I leave. I doubt she has eating anything today other than the tea I made her this morning.

Placing my jacket on the arm of the couch, I lean down to kiss River's forehead and then turn the TV off before heading towards the kitchen.

I decided to make her chicken soup and within an hour I have it ready for her. Now for the hard part. Waking her up.

Setting the bowl on the table, I crouch down to her and gently run my hand through her hair. "Riv," I say softly, shaking her awake. "I made you lunch, love. Come eat."

"I don't want it. Fuck off." She grumbles with her eyes still closed.

"Just have a bit please." I reply, kissing her cheek.


"Baby, come on." I sigh, sitting down beside her on the couch and pulling her upright.

She drops her head on to my chest with a groan as I grab the bowl from the table. I get a spoonful of soup and blow on it before feeding it to her.

"Good?" I ask, feeding her another bite.

"Mhmm." She hums in satisfaction.

"Your temp gone down?" I ask, placing my hand on her forehead to find her burning up.

She shakes her head and snuggles herself further into my side. She's so fucking cute. I just wanna hold her until she feels better.

After feeding her the rest of the soup, she starts getting sleepy again.

"Let's get you to bed." I say, standing up from the couch and picking her up with me.

She circles her arms around my neck and wraps her legs around my waist. "Are you gonna stay with me?" She mumbles.

"Want me to?" I ask, placing my hands on her ass to keep her upright.

"Yeah." She murmurs against my neck.

"I gotta pick the twins up," I open the door to our room and lay her down on our bed. "But I will when I get back."

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