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Life has been difficult these past few days

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Life has been difficult these past few days. With the stress of taking care of four kids and work I've barely had anytime for myself. The kids are still young and of course they're still dependent on me. It's exactly why I feel selfish for feeling this way but sometimes I want a break.

Matteo has been a massive help don't get me wrong but it's not enough. I love them to bits but I just need space to breathe. I'm sure my husband has noticed my change in mood by now. I'm exhausted and I have these constant headaches I can't get rid of.

"Mamà," I hear Lourenço's cries and I'm already dreading what's going to come next. "Nico took my toy."

"It's okay mi amor," I whisper, picking up my four  year old son. "I'll get it back. Don't cry, hm?"

"Okay." He hiccups and lays his head down on my shoulder.

I trail my hand through his hair and walk into the living room where the boys were playing. Mattias is minding his own business watching TV while Nico is, well, being Nico. The mess around him says enough.

My eldest has always been the calm one out of the two. He's so much like his father it's crazy.

"Nico." I call out and he whips his head around in my direction.

"Yes Mama?" He says innocently but that's just a facade. He's a little devil inside.

"Did you take Lourenço's toy?" I question him and sit down on the couch.

"No Mama." He says, shaking his head.

"Don't lie to me." I say, raising a brow but he only just smirks. "Did you take it?"

"Yes Mama." He says with a nod and I internally groan.

"Give it back please."

"Okay." He murmurs and gets up from his seat to hand the toy back to Lourenço.

"Thank you." Lourenço mutters into my chest. I peck the top of his head and brush away the tears from his eyes gently. I'm use to dealing with their little fights. Raising three boys is hell but I wouldn't change it for the world.

"Good job, sweetheart." I smile at Nico and kiss his cheek.

He grins and goes back to playing with his cars on the floor just as the front door opens. The kids immediately shriek when they see who exactly walked through the door.

Their Papà.

Although they're happy and excited, I'm dreading that all their screaming may have woken Liliana up from her nap. I don't want to deal with a cranky baby. It was like a war getting her to sleep to begin with.

The boys run back into the living room after greeting their Dad and then I feel the couch dip beside me. Electricity corses through my body the second I make eye contact with my husband. I missed him.

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