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My turn to cook dinner and I don't know what to make

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My turn to cook dinner and I don't know what to make. The twins have become quite the picky eaters.

Speaking of the twins, here comes my one year old daughter in her diaper with her bottle in her hands. She makes a noise and giggles softly, looking up at me with her pretty green eyes.

"Hey you," I grin, bending down to her level and kissing the top of her head, "How is my pretty little princess?"

She laughs and crouches down, gently placing her bottle on the floor before making grabby hands towards me. I happily pick her up and peck her cheek.

"You gonna help Papà cook?" I open the fridge and search the contents.

Reyna points to the avocado in the fridge and makes a sound, indicating that she wants it. She's been obsessed with them recently.

"This is what you want?" I raise an eyebrow, holding the avocado up.

She reaches over and takes it off me, hugging it to her chest almost possessively. Shaking my head, I sit her down on her booster seat that's on the island behind the stove and then slide her tray in. I gently take the avocado off her and she immediately starts crying.

"One minute bambina." I say softly, turning around and grabbing a knife from the drawer so I can cut it up for her.

Once I've cut it, I put it on her trey and her cries die down as she happily eats it. I kiss her cheek and turn around so I can make dinner on the other counter.

While I'm cooking, River walks in with Matteo in her arms. She sits him down in his high chair, gives him a toy to entertain him, and then walks over to where I am.

She purposely brushes her ass against my dick when she reaches over to grab a glass from the cupboard above me. She's been teasing me all day and I can't do anything about it because we've been busy all day too.

Using one hand, I grip her waist and put my lips next to her ear, "You're testing me today, love." I say lowly, slipping my hand underneath her shirt and moving it down to her navel.

Her breathing picks up and she lifts her head up to meet my gaze. Her lustful eyes stare into mine and I can see the underlining desire beneath those blue eyes of hers.

"Mm, am I?" She muses and fuck that smirk on her face right now makes me want to bend her over this counter and show her just how sexy she is.

"You are," I whisper, wrapping my hand around her throat, "Keep this up and you won't be able to walk for a whole fuckin' week." I dip my head down and she gasps when I catch her bottom lip between my teeth, giving it a slight tug before soothing the sting away with my tongue. My dick grows harder seeing the indent I left on her lip.

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