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Reyna has been crying all night and right now River is trying to put her back to sleep but it's been a while and she hasn't come back yet

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Reyna has been crying all night and right now River is trying to put her back to sleep but it's been a while and she hasn't come back yet.

I can't sleep so I've been playing on the playstation to pass time. Mid game, my wife walks back in and sighs with an exhausted look on her face.

I glance over at her when she sighs and then back at the tv screen. "She okay now?"

"No, she wants you." She says, getting into bed and laying her head on my shoulder.

I kiss the top of her head, give her the controller and get out of bed. "I'll be back." I say, leaving the room and walking over to my daughters room.

I hear her cries echo throughout the hall so I quicken my pace a bit and finally open the door to her room. I don't know why she's been crying so much and I hate it when she does.

"Papà." She sobs, extending her arms out towards me.

My gaze softens as I walk over to her bed and gently pick her up. Immediately, she wraps her arms around my neck and buries her face into my shoulder.

"What's wrong angel?" I ask softly, rubbing her back and swaying on my feet.

"Nightmare." She hiccups from how hard she was crying and lays her head down on my shoulder.

I hum in response and brush hair away from her face before wiping away her tears with the pad of my thumbs. "It's okay bambina." I whisper, reaching over and turning her night light on. I turn the main ones off and shut the door to her room so I can try and get her back to sleep.

Sitting on her bed, I cradle her in my arms and look down at her as she stares up at me with her green doe eyes. Lightly, I brush my thumb over her cheek and temple, watching her eyes start to slowly close. The last place I brush my thumb over are her closed eye lids. For the past four years I've been doing this to help her sleep and it always works.

"You wanna sleep with Mamà?" I whisper, placing a soft kiss on the bridge of her nose.

She nods her head in response. I get up from her bed and walk out of the room. Making my way down the halls, Reyna's light breathing fills my ears meaning she did in fact fall asleep.

Opening the door to our room, I see River laying on her side with the tv off so I quietly walk over to her side and lift the covers up a bit. Carefully, I lay Reyna down next to her and pull the covers over my girls. Looking down at them, I smile at the sight of them cuddling each other and I place a quick kiss on their heads before getting into bed too.


"No!" Matteo shouts, throwing his school bag at River's face.

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