"I'm sorry"

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smut 🙈

River asked me to put the twins, who are six months old, to sleep because she had something to do so that's what I'm doing right now

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River asked me to put the twins, who are six months old, to sleep because she had something to do so that's what I'm doing right now.

I managed to put Matteo to sleep which was easy because he's usually the first one to fall asleep. It's just Reyna who takes longer to get down.

I gave up trying to rock her to sleep so I just sat down in the chair that's in the corner of their room and cradled her in my arms. I stroke her cheek gently with my thumb as she reaches her tiny hand up and smacks me.

"Go to sleep." I whisper, listening to her endless babbles. She's got a lot to say for a six month old.

The little shit shakes her head as if she actually understands what I'm saying so I stand her up and attack her face with small kisses. Her giggles fill the room and I feel my lips stretch at the sight of her little dimpled smile.

I stand up and grab her pacifier from the side before giving it to her. Cradling her in my arms, I sway side to side and watch her eyes slowly start to close. Once I've managed to get her to sleep, I lay her down in her crib. After checking that the baby monitor is on, I turn off the lights and leave their room quietly.

Running a hand through my hair, I make my down the halls towards mine and River's room. When I get there I see that the lights are still on surprisingly. I thought she would've been asleep by now.

I open the door and step inside, shutting it behind me. "I got them down so we should..."

I trail off when I catch the sight of her. In red lingerie. Legs spread. On our bed.


"We should what?" She smirks, tilting her head to the side.

I lock the door behind me and slowly walk further into our room. She stands up from the bed and I watch as she hooks a finger through my belt loop and drags me towards the bed then pushes me down onto it. I force back a groan when she straddles my lap, grips my chin and tilts my head to the side.

"What should we do, hm?" She whispers into my ear and I swallow, feeling her lips lightly brush against my neck.

"River." I breathe out, closing my eyes and moving my hands down to squeeze her ass.

"Ace," She murmurs against my lips and moves my hand down to the front of her underwear where I can feel just how drenched her pussy is, "I'm so wet for you." She bites her bottom lip and I lose my goddamn mind.

I'm weak. I'm so weak for her.

I rub her through her underwear, causing her to whimper and rock her hips against mine. I feel my dick grow painfully hard from the sounds leaving her mouth and I just want to rip her panties off then fuck her til her thighs shake from cumming so much.

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