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My wife has been pregnant for nine months and her due date is soon

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My wife has been pregnant for nine months and her due date is soon. Although recently she has been experiencing lower abdominal pain, cramps, and a few contractions which I thought was normal given how far long she is.

I hate how she's in pain. Especially when there's nothing I can do about it. It makes me feel helpless.

Since she has been in pain all day, I took the day off work to be with her. Right now she's taking a nap beside me on our bed while I finish up some work on my laptop.

There's still a frown on her face even when she sleeps and I just know she's in pain. I gave her a massage which lulled her to sleep but her pain only resided temporarily.

I turn my head around when she suddenly starts stirring in her sleep. She turns around and wraps her arm around me, shuffling closer to me.

Smiling, I place my laptop on the nightstand and wrap my arms around her frame, bringing her into my chest. A soft sigh leaves her lips when I rub her stomach to hopefully ease the pain she's feeling.

Her eyes then flutter open slowly and I lean over to kiss her cheek. "Hi." I whisper.

"Hi." She murmurs.

"How was your sleep beautiful?" I mutter.

"Good." She says softly and starts getting out of bed.

"You okay?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Bathroom." She mutters so I immediately get out of bed to help her up.

With a small groan, she gets up from the bed with my help and heads inside the bathroom. While I wait for her, I check my messages on my phone and by the time I'm done she's out.

"Come here Riv." I say, sitting down on the bed.

With a wince, she waddles her way over here and slowly lowers herself in between my thighs with her back facing my front.

"Ace." She whimpers and my heart shatters.

"I know baby, I know." I mutter, "Lay back. I've got you."

She lays her head back against my shoulder and relaxes into my arms. I use one hand to stroke her hair gently and use the other to rub her lower stomach.

She sighs under my touch and I can practically feel the tension leaving from her body. He nap didn't seem to help. Neither did the heating pad I gave her earlier.

"Better?" I question but she shakes her head and I feel helpless. I've tried everything. "Should we just call the midwife? I hate seeing you like this."

"No I'm fine." She whispers but I don't buy her bullshit.

"You're not," I say, reaching for my phone on the nightstand. "You've been in pain all day. I'm calling her."

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