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Today I'm spending the whole day with my son since Ace and Theo are going to be taking Reyna and Abby out for the day

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Today I'm spending the whole day with my son since Ace and Theo are going to be taking Reyna and Abby out for the day. I have no idea what they're doing but I'm sure the girls are going to be dragging their fathers around everywhere.

It's cute picturing two of the most powerful men in the world getting all weak for their girls. Doing anything and everything to make them happy.

Theo wasn't sure about having children of his own from what Alea had told me but from the moment she was pregnant he had already fallen in love with the baby.

It was funny watching him freak out over silly things like not knowing how to change a diaper. Ace was the same.

"Are you excited for your day with Papà?" I ask my six year old daughter as I zip up her coat, making sure she's all wrapped up for the cold weather outside.

"Uh-huh." She nods her head enthusiastically with a grin.

"Good," I reply, cupping her cheeks and kissing her forehead. "Have fun."

"Ready princess?" I hear Ace's voice from behind me and I look over my shoulder to see him walking over to us from the stairs.

"Yes." She replies, her eyes sparkling at the sight of her Dad.

"Go say bye to your brother." He says to her and she's quick to run inside the living room where Matteo is playing on his tablet.

Ace turns his attention towards me. "Call me if you need anything." He says, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into his chest.

"I will." I reply, grinning up at him and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"And make sure you wrap up," He mutters, readjusting the scarf around my neck. "Don't want you catching a cold."

I'm taking Matteo to his hockey practice and then we're going out for lunch afterwards. I try and spend time with the twins individually because I know it's just as important as spending time with them together.

"And you," I hold onto the collars of his coat. "You turn into a baby when you're sick."

"Bullshit." He scoffs.

I raise my eyebrows at him. "You're so cute."

He scowls down at me. "Woman, please."

His scowl soon melts into one of his rare little smiles when I giggle up at him. "Go before you're late." I tell him.

"I'll miss you." He murmurs, holding my hands to his chest and fiddling with my wedding ring.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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