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For the past half an hour I've been on a call with Theo because there's been an incident at the main warehouse

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For the past half an hour I've been on a call with Theo because there's been an incident at the main warehouse. The incident being that one of my men had betrayed the Cosa Nostra and I don't take that lightly.

We had a mission earlier this week. I was suspicious as to how our enemy knew our exact positions and location but come to find out that the fucking traitor
was in contact with them this entire time.

To say I'm angry is an understatement.

"What are we suppose to tell Alec?" Theo asks through the other line. Alec had offered us $250k to help him seize power from our common enemy but that bastard fucked us all over.

"Just wait until I get there tomorrow." I clench my jaw and run my thumb along my wedding ring to stop myself from punching a damn wall.

"I'll try hold him off for as long as I can," He sighs. "Motherfucker is annoying though."

"He's paying us."

"The only reason why I'm being nice to him."

As he continues speaking, my office door suddenly opens followed along with tiny footsteps. I lift my gaze from my desk to see my six year old daughter walking up to me with the cutest smile on her face and a piece of paper in her hands.

At the sight of her, I can already feel my anger faltering. Especially when those tiny hands shoot up to me. Of course, I immediately oblige to her request and scoop her up into my arms.

"Papà." Her soft little voice calls out to me as she holds the piece of paper she was carrying to her chest.

I kiss her cheek to show her that I'm not ignoring her since I'm on the phone.

"He's fucking calling again," Theo lets out a frustrated breath on the other line, drawing my attention back to him. "I swear to God Ace you better do something. He's like a bee that won't stop buzzing in your damn ear."

"Stall," I reply. "I'll call you back."

Before he can get another word out, I hang up and bring my full attention towards my daughter, who has being patiently waiting for me to finish. I can tell by her face that she's been dying to get her words out.

"What is it, sweetheart?" I ask, sitting her on top of my desk.

"For you." She murmurs, extending the piece of paper she has been holding out towards me.

I bet it's another one of her drawings. She's always making me one and I always keep them.

To my surprise, however, it's not a drawing but a letter. I read through it to find out that it's from her school about some dance happening in two days. A daddy-daughter dance to be more specific as written in rather bold pink writing at the top of the letter.

Once I've finished reading, I pick up her hands and kiss the back of them. "Did you want me to take you?" I say softly and in response she nods her head as a light pink blush coats her cheeks. I find her shyness cute as hell.

𝐃𝐄𝐋 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐎 𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀'𝐒Where stories live. Discover now