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"You wanna go in the hot tub?" Ace asks as soon as he barges into my office

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"You wanna go in the hot tub?" Ace asks as soon as he barges into my office.

"I'm kinda in the middle of something here Ace. Don't know whether you noticed or not." I mutter, keeping my gaze fixated on the work in front of me.

"You and me both know you're shopping for shoes right now." He says and I don't even have to look at him to know that he's smirking right now.

Dammit. He knows me too well.

"Yes. It's important business. Get out of my office."

"River," He groans and drags my chair away from my desk. "I'm more important."

I try and reach for my laptop but he has already dragged me too far away from it. "Attention seeking whore." I mumble under my breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," I smile sarcastically and look up at him. "I love you."

"You're full of shit."

I roll my eyes and glance over at my laptop. "Oh my God." I breathe out, trying to suppress my excitement when I see what's on the screen.


"They're in stock." I grin, quickly jolting out of my seat and running to my laptop.

"What's in stock?"

"The shoes that I wanted."

"Woman." He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"What colour should I get?" I ask him.

He wraps his arms around my waist from behind and buries his face into my neck. "You have a problem." He mutters, placing a sweet kiss on my neck.

"That's not a colour."

I feel him smile against my neck. "You know what is a colour? Red. And you know what else is red? That new bikini you got. And you know where you can wear that new bikini? In the hot tub. So let's go."

"Alright fine." I sigh and reach over to run a hand through his soft curls.

He lifts his head up and pecks my temple with a wide grin on his face. I swear he's acting like a child on Christmas morning right now. "I'll meet you outside."


By the time I get outside, Ace is already in the tub and upon seeing me he extends his hand out to help me in.

"Want a drink?" He asks as soon as I sit beside him.

"Sure." I reply and take the glass of champagne that he hands me.

He drapes his arm over my shoulder and kisses my temple. "Have I mentioned how much I love the colour red on you?" He whispers lowly into my ear.

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