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Matteo and I have barely spent anytime together because we've been so busy with college and whenever I get free time he always has hockey practise or is too tired with school work

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Matteo and I have barely spent anytime together because we've been so busy with college and whenever I get free time he always has hockey practise or is too tired with school work. I understand how stressed out he has been lately but I miss spending time with him.

At least he still tries to make an effort. Like he'll always bring me home flours or little gifts. He always kiss me whenever he's off to practise or college. He'll try and text me throughout the day but sometimes he's too busy to do so. I do the same for him but my schedule has been packed lately.

When I was dating Jacob he wouldn't even put half the effort in as Matteo does. Jacob was always too busy for me and I thought it was normal until Matteo opened my eyes and treats me like I'm his entire world. It feels good to finally have a man who really cherishes me.

However lately I feel like we've drifted and I tried talking to him but he fills me with empty words saying he'll take me out for dinner but never does. I'm tired of it.

"Matteo," I say softly, walking up to him as he works on his computer in our office. "Why don't you take a break and we'll go out for lunch?"

"In a bit." He replies shortly, keeping his gaze fixated on the computer screen.

"You always say that but we never do." I say, getting slightly irritated.

"I'm just a little busy." He mutters.

"When are you not?" I say, rolling my eyes.

"Listen, I'll take you out later so can you just leave? I can't focus."

"You're such an asshole," I sneer. "When are you going to stop lying to me?"

"Just give me a break." He grumble, running his hands down his face and letting out a sigh.

"I'll give you a fucking break you prick." I grit out, glaring at him. "I'm done."

A frown takes over his face as he directs his gaze else where but I catch the glimpse of the hurt flashing across his eyes. He releases a deep breath and clenches his jaw as he shakes his head.

"You're done?" He mutters, standing up from his seat and walking towards the door. "Maybe a break is what we need."

We. A break is what we need?

I wanted a break from this argument but he seems to be having other thoughts. Does he want a break from me? My chest clenches uncomfortably tight at the thought of losing him. So many people have left my life, I can't lose him too.

"Fine. If that's what you want then a break is what we need." I reply, looking away from him as soon as I feel tears brim my eyes.

"I'll be out of your way." He says and then I hear his footsteps disappear up the stairs.


Matteo left the house after our argument yesterday and hasn't been back since. The house feels so empty without him and I hate it. I haven't been able to stop crying because he's gone. He hasn't even contacted me to let me know where he is and it looks like we're over.

I don't want us to be. I love him to much to let him go.

I feel my breaths begin to increase the longer I think about him. My hands begin to tremble and my head starts spin. I take a break from the work on my computer and rapidly blink away the tears starting to form in my eyes.

I take deep breaths and imagine it's Matteo's voice soothing me back down to reality. Eventually my breaths even out and I try to get back to my work but I can't focus.

I just wish he was here.

With shaky hands, I reach into my pocket for my phone and click on to his contact. I was about to call him but my phone starts ringing with his name flashing across the screen.

I debate whether or not to pick up the phone because I'm fucking pissed that he just left like that without telling me where he was going but eventually I decided to answer his call.

"Matteo?" I let out shaky breath. "Where are you, you asshole? How could you just leave me like that?!"

"Are you crying?" He asks in concern, ignoring my question entirely.

"Does it matter?" I snap, angrily wiping away the tears from my eyes. I hate how I cry whenever I get angry. "You left me."

"I'm coming over. We're not doing this over the phone." With that, he hangs up.


Within half an hour he's here knocking on the door and when I open it the first thing I notice is his red rimmed eyes. He's been crying and I'm already feeling my anger begin to dissipate.

"I needed to see you." He whispers.

"How could you leave me?" I choke out and his gaze softens drastically.

"You said you needed a break." He replies, taking a step closer to me.

"Not from you, idiot!" I say in frustration.

Realisation crosses his face and he lets out a groan. "I'm so sorry," He says, bringing me into his arms. "I thought you wanted to break up but I couldn't stand it any longer."

This entire thing has been a big misunderstanding.

"No," I sob, fisting his t-shirt. "I didn't want to break up with you."

"I'm sorry baby," He mutters and places a hand on the back of my head. "I would never leave you. I'm right here."

"You did leave me."

"Because I thought that's what you wanted," He replies, dropping his forehead down to mine. "You know I'd give you anything you want."

"I just want you." I mumble, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I'm all yours." He murmurs, placing a soft kiss on to my lips as he cups my cheeks.

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