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Ace and I are going out to the mall because I have a nail appointment

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Ace and I are going out to the mall because I have a nail appointment. Usually my husband doesn't come with me but today he is since we're going on a lunch date before the appointment.

The twins, who are thirteen, are staying over at a friends house tonight. They're back tomorrow because Matteo has a hockey game.

"Baby are you ready?" Ace calls out from the bottom
of the stairs.

"I'm coming." I call back, quickly putting on my earrings and heading downstairs where he is waiting.

"Hello beautiful." He grins as soon as he sees me and helps me down the last two steps.

"Hi." I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck and going on my tiptoes to kiss his lips.

He dips his head down and meets me half way. I melt against mouth and trail my fingers through his hair as he wraps his strong arms around my waist.

"God, I love kissing you." He whispers against my mouth.

"I love kissing you." I murmur, cupping his cheeks.

He pecks my lips one more time before intertwining our hands together and leading me out towards the car. After getting in the car, he places his hand on my thigh and swerves out of the gates.

Now that I think about it I haven't decided on how I wanted to get my nails done so while we're on the way to the mall I take my phone out and look for some inspiration online. For once I haven't found anything that suits my taste and now I'm fucking stuck.

Sighing, I look over at Ace and find his gaze fixated on the road so I take the opportunity to take in his appearance.

He's wearing a pair of slacks and a fitted t-shirt that highlights his biceps perfectly. He's also wearing a silver chain and a heavy silver watch around his wrist.

My eyes drift to his defined cheekbones and jawline that his neatly trimmed stubble sits upon. He looks the same as he did fourteen years ago. The only thing that has changed is the growth of his hair. It goes down to just above his ears and there's always that one strand of his curly hair that falls right above his right eyebrow.

So fine.


We decided to eat lunch at a cafe near the nail salon and while Ace gets our food I've been contemplating what to do for my nails. I still don't know what to do and it's been an hour.

"Here, love." I hear Ace's voice and I look up from my phone as he places my food in front of me before taking a seat opposite me with his.

"Thank you." I reply, taking a sip out of my iced coffee.

"When's your appointment?" He asks, sipping his hot coffee.

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